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2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar

I wanted to enjoy the beautiful passing and all the goals.....but when you flop like they do with all that talent, it just ruins it.
I always felt like VAR should be used when there are not fouls too. And personally I don't have a problem with VAR handing out deception yellows, and hand them out at the next stoppage if no foul was given. I mean going down easy with contact is one thing, and shit there's even some dark art to taking contact once, getting them to come a little harder next time and then going down a little easier. But this no contact shit needs to be addressed. There have been times when there was more focus on it, now that video review is more and more prevalent, maybe time to revisit it
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Trying to think if Spain's PK's were worse than Japan's.

But, as long as no "Brianna Scurry" goalkeeper in a shootout, I'm good with whomever wins.

Happy at least one underdog won (gambling-wise underdog).
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Adios, Espana.

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Germany, Belgium, and Spain are all out and Italy didn't even qualify. Strange tournament, so far.

I know it is a strange tournament.

It's almost like FIFA is holding a World Cup in the middle of the American winter and in a country with a smaller size area than Connecticut.

It's also almost like the people who voted for this tournament to be held here took bribes. :lol:
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I recall when Thad Matta went to Bo Ryan prior to a Big Ten Tournament Championship Game and said, "Let's both not play any defense and both score a 100."

I get that from this Portugal - Switzerland game.

Seven goals combined (6-1 Portugal).
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I recall when Thad Matta went to Bo Ryan prior to a Big Ten Tournament Championship Game and said, "Let's both not play any defense and both score a 100."

I get that from this Portugal - Switzerland game.

Seven goals combined (6-1 Portugal).

I don't follow soccer, so forgive my ignorance, but that seems like a pretty substantial ass kicking from what I do know of the game.
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