NCAA proposal will reduce contact in preseason football camp
College football teams will be required to hold at least seven padless practices during the preseason and the number of contact practices will be reduced from 21 to 18 under changes proposed by the NCAA’s oversight committee Thursday.
The football oversight committee's proposal goes to the Division I Council for approval this month. It is expected to pass and go into effect next season.
The proposal also bans straight-line contact drills, such as the Oklahoma Drill; limits the amount of full contact in any practice to 75 minutes; prohibits more than two consecutive days of full-contact practices; and reduces the number of preseason scrimmages from three to two.
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If this won't make you want to break away from the NCAA and do your own thing, I don't know what will. I think from a team's own prerogative, you might implement these measures at certain times to preserve players. But to mandate it? Sorry but fuck that. Pussification to the max and you are only setting players up for injury and failure when game time comes. 7 on 7 indeed...