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2020 ttun Shenanigans, Arguments, and Surrender Cobras (Confirmed COWARDS!)

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Dead program?
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I mean, they cling to those wins from the late 1800s/early 1900s like crazy so I'm just assuming they're all that old as well. Makes sense they'd all be a little senile. I'm sure @BB73 has crossed paths with a few of them in his younger days.
I really appreciate how truly pathetic the bar is for them to reach parity with every other school.

You’d think, oh, they had early success, so like pre-1970, right?

Nope, the “exceptional” bar was pre-1920 and after that they’ve been nothing but above average.
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I really appreciate how truly pathetic the bar is for them to reach parity with every other school.

You’d think, oh, they had early success, so like pre-1970, right?

Nope, the “exceptional” bar was pre-1920 and after that they’ve been nothing but above average.
I'd like to teach you and your pals a game, real quick. Then we'll play it. Whatcha say?
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