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2020 ttun Shenanigans, Arguments, and Surrender Cobras (Confirmed COWARDS!)

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From their discussion of who should replace don brown comes this gem
EvashevskiDecember 8th, 2020 at 6:25 AM ^
Jeff Hafley

not sure why only one full season as head coach, in addition to a mediocre 6-4 would be considered a step down for Hafley. As dc for Michigan under Harbaugh he would be closer to his objective of HC than staying at BC

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In reply to Jeff Hafley not sure why… by EvashevskiMaizeBlueA2December 8th, 2020 at 6:27 AM ^
With all due respect. He's already a HC at a P5 program with a solid recruiting class coming in...

You think being the DC at Michigan is a step UP?

What job does that lead to? He probably beat out our current DC for the job he has now.

I'm confused.
And he keeps doubling down everything he's called out on how stupid this idea is.

I know there have been a few g5 or div 2 head coaches who moved to be coordinator at a big p5 school, but no one is leaving bc to be def coord on the sinking ship that is harbaugh's tsun.
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From their discussion of who should replace don brown comes this gem

And he keeps doubling down everything he's called out on how stupid this idea is.

I know there have been a few g5 or div 2 head coaches who moved to be coordinator at a big p5 school, but no one is leaving bc to be def coord on the sinking ship that is harbaugh's tsun.

In reply to If Hafley has future… by Evashevski

Mpfnfu Ford

December 8th, 2020 at 8:03 AM ^

This is why people make fun of Michigan fans.
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From their discussion of who should replace don brown comes this gem

And he keeps doubling down everything he's called out on how stupid this idea is.

I know there have been a few g5 or div 2 head coaches who moved to be coordinator at a big p5 school, but no one is leaving bc to be def coord on the sinking ship that is harbaugh's tsun.

You also don’t hear of anybody, ever going from DC of a far superior school (Ohio State) to a head coach at a P5, back to DC at a far inferior school (ttun). Anybody from the DFBIA to think that is truly at the bottom of the barrel intelligence wise
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The South Carolina Game Cocks - not to be confused with the Michigan Lame Cocks.

40 Players positive and the number climbing? Speaks volumes about the control Harbaugh exerts over the team. Leadership from the very top of the organization.
True that. If everyone was following Hairballs leadership they all would have kissed the guy with Covid.
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As soon as I read the line about them not knowing how many had it this week I knew they were lying.

Not just because I hate them but because it’s bullshit. They have the ability to test at will and a finite group to monitor. They fucking know and they are such bitch made punks they used it as an excuse to duck OSU.

Can’t imagine a world in which I was such a raging cunt. I’d have the self respect to just go kill myself.
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