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2020 ttun Shenanigans, Arguments, and Surrender Cobras (Confirmed COWARDS!)

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It's quite a testament that NFL coaches want to take fliers on all these tsun kids and Jimbo still finds a way to lose 3-5 games every single year, get his doors blown off by his chief rival and in bowl games and embarrass himself almost every time he plays a top-10 team.

Honestly, I think the NFL guys see bargains: talent that Simple Jim squandered and never developed which they can grab for non-guaranteed fifth round money and hope to develop to their pre-tsun potential. Hell, let's bring Mississippi Jesus in as an undrafted free agent and see what the hell happens. It's not like we're on the hook for anything more than his meals.

The frightening thing for the dfbia though is that they're not even recruiting the talent anymore and are bringing in two star kids from New England prep schools. If Simple Jim couldn't coach up four and high three talent, what the serious fuck is he going to do with Thurston Howell VII from Choate?
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Honestly, I think the NFL guys see bargains: talent that Simple Jim squandered and never developed which they can grab for non-guaranteed fifth round money and hope to develop to their pre-tsun potential. Hell, let's bring Mississippi Jesus in as an undrafted free agent and see what the hell happens. It's not like we're on the hook for anything more than his meals.

The frightening thing for the dfbia though is that they're not even recruiting the talent anymore and are bringing in two star kids from New England prep schools. If Simple Jim couldn't coach up four and high three talent, what the serious fuck is he going to do with Thurston Howell VII from Choate?

Well, he’s sure as fuck not going to let him major in history.
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It's quite a testament that some of the most successful NFL coaches are eager to take the talent developed by Harbaugh.

If they were "eager" they would have grabbed the talent developed by Harbaugh before the 7th round. I think the word this dingledick is looking for is "willing".

I am eager to bang Jessica Alba. Failing that, I am willing to bang damn near anything come closing time.
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If you want your head to explode then go over to this shitshow of a Tweet and read the replies.

It's a non-sensical question. It's not possible unless they expand the playoff field, and Michigan will likely get a playoff berth in this scenario.

Alabama getting a mulligan every single year is not a legitimate rebuttal.
OSU got in with a much earlier loss to a 2-loss PSU team and a dreadful field. Then they got obliterated in the playoffs, which doesn't add to the credibility of the question.
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As JW said, it would take an 8 team playoff. In that case, I'd be willing to take the NC with a tsun loss provided the series was somewhat even (say, tsun winning at least one out of three) where a tsun win while not expected wouldn't be seen as surprising much less shocking. In the current state of affairs though, there's no way that I'd give up our streak of domination over them for a NC.
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