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2019 Week 9 CFB Open Thread

If there ever was a cure for long lasting erections, this game is it. Been raging since 2nd half of Buckeye game and now a lame duck.

fuck this noise, I'm watching baseball

You're missing an opportunity for joy. I'm watching this sucker to the bitter end.

"I hate scUM!"

So do I, but Notre Dame? Really? Let scUM have their fun. The DFBIA will get pumped up, full of confidence, making the annual Buckeye ass-whuppin even better. :slappy:
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You're missing an opportunity for joy. I'm watching this sucker to the bitter end.

"I hate scUM!"

So do I, but Notre Dame? Really? Let scUM have their fun. The DFBIA will get pumped up, full of confidence, making the annual Buckeye ass-whuppin even better. :slappy:
I didn't say I was turning it off. Fuck both these dickhole teams and will take joy in watching either lose.
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I didn't say I was turning it off. Fuck both these dickhole teams and will take joy in watching either lose.

I hope scUM blows the doors off ND.

Dumbass Domers lose their minds, scUM fans think they're good, then Ohio State goes to Ann Arbor and takes their souls. :lol:
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