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2019 Week 8 CFB Open Thread

This is a win win. TSUN loses, and an overconfident PSU will come to a Shoe and get absolutely blasted . Meanwhile TSUN will have at least 3 losses coming into The Game wrapping up another disappointing season. We devour their souls in Whore Harbor sending them to a second rate bowl game once again.

Franklin after the game, punches a OSU fan and gets fired.
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This is a win win. TSUN loses, and an overconfident PSU will come to a Shoe and get absolutely blasted in a shoe. Meanwhile TSUN will have at least 3 losses coming into the game wrapping up another disappointing season. We devour their souls in Whore Harbor sending them to the a second rate bowl game once again.

Franklin after the game, punches a OSU fan and gets fired.

Why on earth would we want Franklin to get fired?
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This is a win win. TSUN loses, and an overconfident PSU will come to a Shoe and get absolutely blasted in a shoe. Meanwhile TSUN will have at least 3 losses coming into the game wrapping up another disappointing season. We devour their souls in Whore Harbor sending them to the a second rate bowl game once again.

Franklin after the game, punches a OSU fan and gets fired.

I could seen penn state blowing it at sparty next week. Would be on brand for Franklin.
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This is a win win. TSUN loses, and an overconfident PSU will come to a Shoe and get absolutely blasted in a shoe. Meanwhile TSUN will have at least 3 losses coming into the game wrapping up another disappointing season. We devour their souls in Whore Harbor sending them to the a second rate bowl game once again.

Franklin after the game, punches a OSU fan and gets fired.
I will sacrifice my face for that punch. Just need tickets. Donations welcome. I can guarantee I can heckle him into a punch. Got Tory Hunter to argue with me in left field at an Indians game just by chanting his name and accusing him of running away from his feelings every inning. Serious
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