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2019 Week 14 CFB Open Thread

of course it’s silly

what, exactly, is rational about being a sports fan? What is rational about preferring the success of one group over another because of your own scholastic or geographic affiliations? It is all silly. And it’s fun.

hating thex is fun

hating thex in silly ways is xore fun

No "m" is funny? In what way? I don't get it. To me, it's an unforced error. Why go there?

You want funny? Directions to Ann Arbor: north till you smell it, west till you step in it. Or guy gets on a plane, seat is next to an attractive lady so he tries to strike up a conversation. He's getting nowhere and then she says, "So, you're a Michigan man?" The guy gets all puffed up, "Yes, how did you know? Was it my Armani suit, the Gucci attache case, the fact that I fly in First Class? All of that speaks of class and class is what Michigan is all about." She turns away, saying, "No, I read it on your class ring while you were picking your nose."

Now that shit is funny.
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No "m" is funny? In what way? I don't get it. To me, it's an unforced error. Why go there?

You want funny? Directions to Ann Arbor: north till you smell it, west till you step in it. Or guy gets on a plane, seat is next to an attractive lady so he tries to strike up a conversation. He's getting nowhere and then she says, "So, you're a Michigan man?" The guy gets all puffed up, "Yes, how did you know? Was it my Armani suit, the Gucci attache case, the fact that I fly in First Class? All of that speaks of class and class is what Michigan is all about." She turns away, saying, "No, I read it on your class ring while you were picking your nose."

Now that shit is funny.

I did not say funny

I said fun

What do you get when you put 150 lbs of dogshit in a sack made of human skin?

A TUN fan

Is that funny? Nope, not even a little

But saying it to a TUN fan has been known to cause them to attempt to get violent, at which point you beat them to death. That’s fun.

funny — fun
They’re different

The Ms in this post were for you
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I did not say funny

I said fun

What do you get when you put 150 lbs of dogshit in a sack made of human skin?

A TUN fan

Is that funny? Nope, not even a little

But saying it to a TUN fan has been known to cause them to attempt to get violent, at which point you beat them to death. That’s fun.

funny — fun
They’re different

The Ms in this post were for you
In the mean time, fuck Michigan.
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