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Vandy defense is at 38 points allowed and counting

They gave up the following to the three SEC teams they played who I saw consistently ranked:

UF 37
UGA 41
UK 14

:lol: Point to the doll and show us where the ESPN talking head touched you with his SEC SEC SEC.

And you should support the Dores anyway. Because while Baylor clearly comes in second, they gave Penn State a go at rape cover up.

Edit: sheeeeit. DBU not so much :lol::lol::lol:
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:lol: Point to the doll and show us where the ESPN talking head touched you with his SEC SEC SEC.

And you should support the Dores anyway. Because while Baylor clearly comes in second, they gave Penn State a go at rape cover up.

Please don't act like ESPN isn't 24/7 SEC pimping.

If Vandy was to win this game every mouth breathing hick with an internet connection would be online chanting "SEC"
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