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I turned away from the studio buffoons... what's this?

Looks like some nonsense year-long 150th anniversary thing they're doing.

Expecting it to be celebrating Miami, FSU, ND, USC and TSUN history, with the glorious SEC as the past and present centerpiece, plus Clemson.

I'm sure there will be some good highlights and great documentaries with old, cleaned up footage. But it's ESPN so they'll mostly fuck it up and double the SEC praise and do some revisionist history somewhere.
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Looks like some nonsense year-long 150th anniversary thing they're doing.

Expecting it to be celebrating Miami, FSU, ND, USC and TSUN history, with the glorious SEC as the past and present centerpiece, plus Clemson.

I'm sure there will be some good highlights and great documentaries with old, cleaned up footage. But it's ESPN so they'll mostly fuck it up and double the SEC praise and do some revisionist history somewhere.
Gonna be a big blank space from about 1960 through 2003... Oh, who am I kidding, Alabama under Bear will surely be enough to fuel the SEC historical hype train.
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Gonna be a big blank space from about 1960 through 2003... Oh, who am I kidding, Alabama under Bear will surely be enough to fuel the SEC historical hype train.


Notre Dame won a NC or 11 in the 60's and 70's
Miami invented swagger in the 80's
tsun upset OSU in '69
Woody punched Charlie Bauman

lot's of non SEC stuff to talk about in those 40 some odd years
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Good point. I'm sure they'll find a way to prop up the SEC on Bama's shoulders though... it's one of the only things they're actually accomplished at doing.

The history of CFB from ESPN

In the beginning there was Spurrier
who gave us his only son, Tebus
who ascended and left us Bama

The end
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