Always remember that we're playing an opponent whose fans take pride in their "Southern Heritage". Forget all that phony crap about family and faith and good cooking. "Southern Heritage" truly doesn't mean any of that. It ultimately means they are proud of the fact that their relatives of 150 years ago believed that an entire race of people was sub-human and worthy of being treated as property. And they believed it with such fervor that they went to war over the "right" to continue to keep them as property. One of the other teams from the SEC (Ole Miss) is so enamored with that history that they named their team after the soldiers who fought to keep that "right" (the Rebels). Let this sink in for just a minute: most SEC fans are PROUD of that history.
Ole Miss and Mississippi State got destroyed yesterday, and I say the Bucks need to continue that trend with Bama. Time to go all "Civil War" on their asses!