I'm glad you had fun. Please be careful and watch out for the crazies.
Unfortunately, I'm not seeing good things on my Facebook feed from people I know that went to the game. There is a lot of typical stuff like being made fun of for being a redneck from Alabama and all that kind of stuff, but one girl had a beer poored on her head.
Please be careful. I have seen a few posts here that haven't been exactly cool. You don't want to get a reputation like ours. It's no fun.
That starts places like here. Think about what you are saying. Don't type it on a message board of you wouldn't say it to somebody bigger than you.
I'm not blaming anybody here, I've just never seen this kind of reaction after a loss. Off soapbox.
Overall, I'd say most bama fans are disappointed, but realize this wasn't supposed to be our year. There is a lot of talk of moving on at DC since we now have a three year history of having some very bad games on defense. A lot of the kiffin negativity has already died down.