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2015 BP Bracket Contest

I'm not trying to be that guy, bc I had ISU in the finals losing to Kentucky. But how are people surprised by this Nova news? I actually had them losing to the 16 seed bc I knew they weren't going too far and I wanted to be the guy to predict it. It wasn't shocking at all that they are the first 1 seed out of it.

edit: check that....I had ISU winning.
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I wanted to take NC State over Nova but knew my odds were better by not picking it. I never considered them reaching the Final Four, which should be no surprise given my comments about the Big East being overrated by the committee.
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My Sparty in the Final Four pick got a lot better the last 18 hours.
I am counting on you to bring home my bacon in the BP bracket because mine just got broke.

I wonder if we could have beaten Virginia the way they shot the ball today. In a way,, I do not think that the best team wins the tournament or at least advances because one bad shooting day and you are out..I just do not think that the tournament really crowns the best team but neither does the Super Bowl, World Series,, or NBA championship series.
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