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2014 TSUN Football News

Now part of that may be due to having 14 games (not sure if that ranking was a per game or total), and the fact that we play more up-tempo than the average team, but still. Maybe a more accurate rating is somewhere around 60-80 in the country? Still awful.
When Wisconsin, Northwestern & Michigan State light you up through the air (and a UM O that largely went in reverse against bad defenses from Lincoln, Akron & Storrs (CT)), there's a big problem.

Fortunately there's a new sheriff in town and a lot of new faces to coach up.
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When Wisconsin, Northwestern & Michigan State light you up through the air (and a UM O that largely went in reverse against bad defenses from Lincoln, Akron & Storrs (CT)), there's a big problem.

Fortunately there's a new sheriff in town and a lot of new faces to coach up.

I recently told a MSU alum that the worst thing they could have done was to win the B1G Championship game last year. It did nothing than force UFM's hand.
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You may have had your eyeballs burned out of your skull from last year, but you're understating how God awful we were. We were 110 in the country last year in pass defense....out of 123 teams. The only B1G teams worse were Indiana and Rutgers.
To be fair though....we were only ranked that low because we really really sucked at it. If we didn't, we probably would have been ranked a lot higher.
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Given what teams discovered by the Wisconsin game last year I would think that the first four or five games they'll test the new DBs... hell, even Navy could come out throwing.

I know I would, and that's using me as the quarterback, my wife and 2-year-old as O-line, and my 5-year-old as wide receiver. I'm not saying we'd score against that defense, but I like my chances throwing far better than I do running.
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To my knowledge, Nussmeier doesn't have an ties to osu, or Ohio in general. I'm actually quite surprised that "Michigan Man" wasn't at the top of the list of hiring credentials. He was QB coach at Sparty though.

Sparty, home of great QB players. Let's see, there was Milt Plum and... and... um... uh... and...

Nothing on here since Sunday? No terse comments, no cheap shots at Wolverine Mike, no laughter at the inane antics of a formerly formidable opponent, no comments on lineman who grab face masks, punch civilians, or play trick or treat on someone's front porch with their junk exposed, no sarcastic comments about running backs spending their career on exercise bikes? Come on Buckeyes, we're better than this!
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