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2013 Week 8 CFB Open Thread

Baylor has 460 yards of offense at halftime. Cripes...
They haven't played a great schedule, but neither have we to be honest. They have to start getting more respect in the polls. That offense makes them a threat in any game, against anyone. Their defense can be a liability, but there's a fair amount of that to go around these days.
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They haven't played a great schedule, but neither have we to be honest. They have to start getting more respect in the polls. That offense makes them a threat in any game, against anyone. Their defense can be a liability, but there's a fair amount of that to go around these days.
Well, with all these upsets today, they seem poised to move into the top-10.
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Wait..the 50 is pink? Now that's just going too far.

This is going too far:

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