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2013 Week 14 CFB Open Thread

They really need to go to NCAA refs with no conference affiliation... too much money to be lost by the conference if Bama loses....
If refs are getting paid, refs are getting paid. I don't think it much matters if they have an affiliation with a conference or not. More scrutiny and harsher penalties for failing to provide accurate officiating is really what needs to happen.
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Check the post again, bud. You know, the one you quoted.
Duly noted.

I guess I'm a little hypersensitive after seeing so many Buckeye fans pissing and moaning after a win over TSUN, in the midst of a 24 game winning streak.

Nit pick the Buckeyes all you like. If you can't enjoy this run you'll never be happy, bud.
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If refs are getting paid, refs are getting paid. I don't think it much matters if they have an affiliation with a conference or not. More scrutiny and harsher penalties for failing to provide accurate officiating is really what needs to happen.
You are missing the point. The conference is putting pressure on the refs to slant it one way. A couple of years ago WVU was playing Pitt and if WVU wins they get into the national championship game. Pitt was driving and scored on a run play. A phantom hold was called. This not only happened once but twice on the same drive in the 4th quarter. Despite those calls Pitt upset WVU but is was an example what a conference officiating crew can do to slant the field. I just don't trust the some conferences to play it straight....
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Duly noted.

I guess I'm a little hypersensitive after seeing so many Buckeye fans pissing and moaning after a win over TSUN, in the midst of a 24 game winning streak.

Nit pick the Buckeyes all you like. If you can't enjoy this run you'll never be happy, bud.

If you can find any post where I was bitching or moaning about our win today, I'd check myself in to the asylum immediately.

I'm with you there. Wins are wins, but especially against tSUN.
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You are missing the point. The conference is putting pressure on the refs to slant it one way. A couple of years ago WVU was playing Pitt and if WVU wins they get into the national championship game. Pitt was driving and scored on a run play. A phantom hold was called. This not only happened once but twice on the same drive in the 4th quarter. Despite those calls Pitt upset WVU but is was an example what a conference officiating crew can do to slant the field. I just don't trust the some conferences to play it straight....

I hear you, I just think it doesn't really matter if the refs are from an overall pool or are affiliated with a conference. If they're capable of being swayed it's going to happen regardless.
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