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2013 TSUN Football News

we can only hope. He had a great press conference today where he essentially said his game plan has been great all season, but that the players FINALLY executed the game plan vs osu. When asked about the 2pt conversion play call, he abruptly ended the interview.

Dudes a clown and Hoke's loyalty to him is going to cost him his own job.

It's always funny to me how Michigan fans seem to direct their angst at one person and fail to see the forest for the trees. There's a bigger (there's your hint) clown in Ann Arbor that's way more responsible for sinking your guys' program than Borges is.
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This is the most spot on post I've seen from a scUMmer in 10 years of message boarding...

We have silly ass regulations like...hiring a Michigan Man for a coach when there are other more qualified coaches. Michigan has no excuse to be this bad. 11 losses in 2 years. What else do we need to say. Its embarrassing to be a Michigan supporter amd watch this level of football. 3-5 in the lackluster B1G. Close wins against Akron and Uconn. We are an embarrassment to our history. We look like a bunch of over privileged guys riding the coattails of the men of the past century. We look fat...slow...weak and horridly coached. We are Vanilla in all phases and have zero Bully in us. If changes arent made....The University simply doesnt care enough. Plain and simple. We are broken from the ground up. We are going to retain the worst offensive line coach in college football.....that is fucking blind loyalty to the point of cowardly fear of change.

You can thank the buffoon you hired as HC whose whole sales pitch seems to be "we're m*ch*g*n"...unfortunately for him, that doesn't mean what he thinks it does anymore, and hasn't for a long, long time.
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I have a confession to make.

I root for Michigan.

I know.

It happens twice a year. The first is the Big Ten - ACC Challenge. The format essentially makes us part of the same "team". And I really like to beat the ACC. I can't watch their games. If I do I find myself rooting for the other team. But if I see the final score and they have beaten their ACC opponent my elbow rises about half an inch in an aborted fist pump.

But that's just basketball. It is football where the real sacrilege occurs.

I am so tired of hearing that the B1G went 2-5 or 1-6 in the Bowl games that I root for all of them. PSU (I can still remember when they went to Bowl games), Wisky, the whole crew. I even root for the dreaded Wolverines.

At least I try.

The B1G went into last nights game 0-1, unless you count our two new teams in which case we were 0-3. I wanted a B1G win more than I wanted a Michigan loss.

Or so I thought.

But in football I watch them play. And there are those damned wings. And that ugly piss yellow. So while I am telling myself I want UM to come out on top I found myself executing real fist pumps every time KSU did something good.

And so I was fist pumping all night long.

But in the end I did find myself pulling for Michigan once again. But not because they are in the B1G. Not because I wanted to see us go 1-1.

It was more like the way you pull for your neighbors kid in little league. You know, the one who is so uncoordinated he wont still be playing by the time he is 9. You don't want to watch him embarrass himself, your neighbors, your team.

That was me rooting for Michigan last night.

But they were embarrassing all the same.


Sorry, couldn't help myself.
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I have a confession to make.

I root for Michigan.

I know.

It happens twice a year. The first is the Big Ten - ACC Challenge. The format essentially makes us part of the same "team". And I really like to beat the ACC. I can't watch their games. If I do I find myself rooting for the other team. But if I see the final score and they have beaten their ACC opponent my elbow rises about half an inch in an aborted fist pump.

But that's just basketball. It is football where the real sacrilege occurs.

I am so tired of hearing that the B1G went 2-5 or 1-6 in the Bowl games that I root for all of them. PSU (I can still remember when they went to Bowl games), Wisky, the whole crew. I even root for the dreaded Wolverines.

At least I try.

The B1G went into last nights game 0-1, unless you count our two new teams in which case we were 0-3. I wanted a B1G win more than I wanted a Michigan loss.

Or so I thought.

But in football I watch them play. And there are those damned wings. And that ugly piss yellow. So while I am telling myself I want UM to come out on top I found myself executing real fist pumps every time KSU did something good.

And so I was fist pumping all night long.

But in the end I did find myself pulling for Michigan once again. But not because they are in the B1G. Not because I wanted to see us go 1-1.

It was more like the way you pull for your neighbors kid in little league. You know, the one who is so uncoordinated he wont still be playing by the time he is 9. You don't want to watch him embarrass himself, your neighbors, your team.

That was me rooting for Michigan last night.

But they were embarrassing all the same.


Sorry, couldn't help myself.

I'd find this easier if that team wasn't so full of loud mouth Twitter warriors, rapists, felons, and petty thugs, shrouded in arrogance, all of which are enabled by their fat mumbling goof of a head coach.
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I will say, Suga Shane looked as good as they could hope. Not surprisingly, they gave him easy throws, but he looked pretty decent in a simplified passing attack. We'll see what happens when he actually needs to make more difficult throws against better defenses than K-State.
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I, certainly, will never root for them in anything, but watching that game [Mark May] show last night was pathetic. I almost felt sorry for them. Almost. It was like watching someone beat up a retarded kid.

except the retarded kid was a collar popping, rapist, felon douchebag who doesn't stop running his cockholster about how great he is even in the middle of said beating

I never almost felt bad for Sandusky, I never almost felt bad for Bin Laden and I never will almost feel bad for scUM.

Fuck M*ch*gan. I hope they lose so much they quit the sport.
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This is the most spot on post I've seen from a scUMmer in 10 years of message boarding....
Michigan fan said:
3-5 in the lackluster B1G. Close wins against Akron and Uconn. We are an embarrassment to our history. We look like a bunch of over privileged guys riding the coattails of the men of the past century. We look fat...slow...weak and horridly coached.
Taylor Lewan actually said it better:

Taylor Lewan said:
“Because we’re Michigan,” he said. “It doesn’t matter what our record is, it doesn’t matter what happened the past few years. All that matters is we’re the winningest program in college football."
That's the essence of the Michigan Man "Greatness by Association" ethos.


Michigan's winning percentage before Taylor Lewan arrived in Ann Arbor: .740
Michigan's winning percentage since Taylor Lewan arrived in Ann Arbor: .594

Maybe that explains his attitude.
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