The Giants had two miracle seasons (2010 &2012), finally their luck seems to be running out this year.
Chad Gaudin faces one count of ?open and gross lewdness? in Las Vegas
Giants pitcher Chad Gaudin was arrested back in January after allegedly groping a woman who was on a hospital gurney in Las Vegas. The kicker: Gaudin, who was drunk at the time, had no idea how he ended up at the hospital at 4:30 AM that January morning:
According to police, Gaudin was drunk about 4:30 a.m. when he approached a 23-year-old woman on a gurney at Desert Springs Hospital, three miles east of the Las Vegas Strip. The woman told police she was lying on a gurney in the emergency room lobby when Gaudin appeared, told her ?she was gorgeous? and touched her face and breast, she said.
A witness heard Gaudin say, ?I will take care of you, don?t worry about them,? to the woman and then saw him touch her face, leg and breast, according to a police report.
How this stayed quiet for six months is anyone?s guess.
But at least we now know the answer to the question ?man, what could make this Giants season any worse??
Apparently not everything that happens in Vegas stays in Vegas....:tongue2: