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2012 Running Backs ( RBs ) Discussion

I believe that we will still run the ball quite a bit as well and I agree that Braxton may be one of the leading ball carriers on the team. I do expect more balance this year along with less predictability (Dave), which I believe will actually open things up for our RBs to be more effective.

I have no problem seeing all of our backs getting a good amount of carries especially early in the year. A solid stable of backs will be very effective for us late in the year....
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woofermazing;2108743; said:
They're all pretty similar backs, with the exception of Hall, so it will probably come down to who blocks and takes care of the football better. I'm expecting Hyde and Hall to come out on top.

I wouldn't rule out any of our RBs to start. Including the frosh. I think conventional wisdom makes us think that automatically hyde or hall should be the starters. But we have brought in 2 high quality backs and one is already enrolled. And add in rod smith who has all the talent in the world and maybe had a case of nerves in his firsr set of pt last year. We have some very good depth and I can't wait to see who the committee of backs is, because urban likes using 2-3 rbs to keep fresh.
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The slate is clean for everybody, except maybe Braxton, and Stoney. UFM and the Staff will use whoever gives them the best chance to win.

One thing I'm interested to see is, how will the Bowl/Championship ban affect who plays/starts. Will we see more Frosh/Underclassmen than usual to get them prepped for '13? I know UFM says nobody is coming in to Redshirt, but will guys who will help in '13, but maybe a bit behind Seniors, get more time than expected? I can't wait to find out.
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buckeyebri;2108013; said:
Why do you postulate that we will be running the ball a lot next year? Do you see us running as much or more than this past season? Are you saying that Dave has not left the room?

Dave hasn't left, he's just sharing the ball more with the other kids now. I see our Bucks running less simply because in 2011 they were so run oriented. The run game won't be abandoned, which Meyer has made quite clear, I think.

I see some actual balance in play calling with the aggressiveness we've all been panting for for years. We have some very capable Backs in place and coming in that will (coupled with the revived pass game and spread O) keep the opponents' Ds guessing every snap. It's making me drool.

I can't wait for Sep.
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Ohio State Buckeyes' offense allows for a plow-horse to gallop in a thoroughbred spread
Published: Saturday, April 14, 2012
By Doug Lesmerises, The Plain Dealer

COLUMBUS -- Ohio State fans are accustomed to 1,000-yard rushers. In Jim Tressel's 10 seasons, the Buckeyes had seven of them. In Urban Meyer's 10 years as a head coach at Bowling Green, Utah and Florida during the same time frame -- from 2001 to '10 -- he had none.

So what would Meyer's Ohio State offense do now if, for instance, he had a big, skilled back such as Eddie George, from the John Cooper days, or Beanie Wells on his roster?

"Eddie George would have had 2,000 yards in this offense," said OSU running backs coach Stan Drayton, who previously coached the running backs under Meyer for four seasons at Florida. "If he won the Heisman Trophy back in those days, we would have put him in position to win the Heisman Trophy in this offense."

Meyer has expressed a similar affinity for a workhorse back, though there wasn't a George or a Wells on the practice field Friday, as the Buckeyes had their 10th of 15 workouts this spring -- with a morning practice in front of faculty and students scheduled for Ohio Stadium this morning.

Jordan Hall, Carlos Hyde, Rod Smith and true freshman Bri'onte Dunn, who enrolled early for spring ball, will fight into the fall to see if one really is that kind of back, or if the Buckeyes are better mixing and matching to their different skills. What Meyer and Drayton want to make clear, however, is that if that guy is there, now or on the recruiting trail, they will use him.

Drayton said other teams recruit negatively against Meyer's spread, feeding what Drayton believes is a misperception about the role of the running back in this style of offense.

"I guarantee you, it's just a matter of us getting out there and showing what we are capable of doing in this offense," Drayton said. "This is a run-first offense. We run power just like a pro-style offense runs power. We just dress it up a little bit."


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Ohio State backs running down the dream of a starting job
By Dan Hope
hope,[email protected]
Published: Wednesday, April 18, 2012

OSU rising junior Carlos Hyde runs with the ball during a March 28 Buckeyes spring practice at the Woody Hayes Athletic Center.

After one season as the Ohio State?s football team?s wide receiver coach, Stan Drayton is the Buckeyes? running backs coach, returning to the position he once played as a three-time Division III All-American at Allegheny College.

In his first season under coach Urban Meyer, Drayton faces the task of replacing the team?s top running back from last season, Daniel ?Boom? Herron, who ran for 672 yards in just eight games.

Drayton won?t have Herron to work with, but the team returns three running backs who combined for 1,090 rushing yards last season.

Carlos Hyde, a rising junior, ran for 566 yards this past season. Rising senior Jordan Hall ran for 408 yards as a junior. Additionally, rising redshirt sophomore Rod Smith ran for 116 yards in his first season.

OSU?s stable of running backs also includes freshman Bri?onte Dunn, who enrolled at OSU in January and is participating in spring practices.

Drayton said all four of the players are competing for playing time.

?It?s open competition right now,? Drayton said. ?We?re just trying to see who?s going to separate themselves. Nowadays, you got to prepare at least three or four (running backs) to make it through an entire season anyway, so all of these guys are preparing to get game-ready. As far as me setting the depth chart right now, I like to leave it open so these guys can continue to compete throughout the spring.?

Hall, who led the Buckeyes with 1,275 all-purpose yards last season, is expected by some to be the leader of the OSU running game.

Drayton said the coaching staff will use Hall in a variety of ways this season.

?We?re going to play into Jordan Hall?s strengths,? Drayton said. ?He?s a guy who can be a versatile player for us.?

Drayton said he expects Hall to contribute as a receiver this season, but added that he thinks all the running backs should do so.

?He?s very, very capable,? Drayton said of Hall?s receiving abilities. ?We may put a little bit more on Jordan?s plate, but all of my backs are going to have to get out there, get lined up at wide receiver, recognize coverages and play out there.?


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