I'd like to see the design be something like this:
A tyrannosaurus eating a M*ch*gan fan. And pooping on another M*ch*gan fan. And the tyrannosaurus is a HUGE tyrannosaurus - like, he's in the horseshoe, but he's towering above the horseshoe. And he's wearing an Ohio State jersey - I don't care if it has gray stripes or white stripes - but I want the numbers white. And the tyrannosaurus has a laser cannon and he's shooting Ann Arbor. And maybe with his other hand he's signing some autographs for some kids - you know, to show that he isn't such a bad guy - he just does bad things to M*ch*gan.
And maybe underneath the picture it should say something that doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the picture. Like, "Don't trust anyone over 30!" Or, "Only YOU Can Stop Forrest Fires!"
And on the back... just some random test answer sheet. Like this:
1. A
2. A
3. C
4. A
5. B
6. A
Now THAT'S classy!
Either that, or something with boobs.