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2011 Under Armour All-America Game - Jan. 5th - 7PM - ESPN

ugh. who's calling these plays? Yes, let's run play action every single down when everyone in the world knows you aren't going to run it. It's even worse when the Dline abuses the Oline in this game every year.
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Glad Doran Grant verballed but this game is straight EsecPN BS.

Infomercial for Under Armour and SEC Recruiting. Glad I tuned in after work to see the Braxton Miller the #1 or #2 QB recruit in the country play in all star game. Didn't even see him at all in the second half. Guess Braxton picked the wrong conference. What a joke in a way I hope he had a very minor injury or something. Either way I'm boycotting this game next year. I will enjoy the All Army game but totally over this charade.

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After Doran Grant declared, I muted the game for the remainder, didn't pay too much attention and was working on something else.

My question is: Did Luginbill say anything complementary of Ohio State and/or the Big Ten at any point in the game? Prior to muting it, all I heard was SEC/ACC/South - which pretty much matches everything that comes out of ESPN Scouts Inc.

Anything about OSU/Big Ten?
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