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2011 TSUN shenanigans and arguments (off season)

buckeyboy;1963701; said:
You'll never convince me that Hoke and staff got Kalis to turn on the Bucks in a matter of a short time without using some form of negative tactics. Keep dreaming. Let's be honest, most coaches would have done so consdering all of the negatvie press circulating. In fact, I think you'd be pretty stupid not to. Yes, it's shady but that is the name of the game these days. Let's put it this way, if he was a car salesman, I wouldn't be buying a car from him.

Let's be honest, zero proof.
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buckeyboy;1963701; said:
... Let's be honest, most coaches would have done so consdering all of the negatvie press circulating. In fact, I think you'd be pretty stupid not to. Yes, it's shady but that is the name of the game these days...
I think you could equally argue that most coaches didn't need to negatively recruit against OSU this year; the media did it for them.

That said, I have no idea whether Hoke "negatively recruited" against OSU, or really even what I would consider to be "negative recruiting". If a coach falsely claims he knows that harsh sanctions XYZ are coming, yeah, that would probably be negative recruiting. If a coach honestly expresses his opinion that, based on what's been admitted and reports that have been swirling, he thinks some kind of tough sanctions are likely, is that?
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germ;1963721; said:
Let's be honest, zero proof.
Let's be honest. If you're gong to be rigorous about it, there's pretty much always "zero proof" about what goes on behind closed doors between a coach and a recruit. Unless someone produces an authenticated audio or video recording, which has probably never happened. Any views on what coaches say to recruits is based on whom-do-you-believe, with a large dose of speculation.
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zincfinger;1963728; said:
Let's be honest. If you're gong to be rigorous about it, there's pretty much always "zero proof" about what goes on behind closed doors between a coach and a recruit. Unless someone produces an authenticated audio or video recording, which has probably never happened. Any views on what coaches say to recruits is based on whom-do-you-believe, with a large dose of speculation.

Let's be honest, I'm tired of every post starting with "Let's be honest".

Fuck honesty.
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I'm of the opinion that it doesn't matter even a little bit whether it is true or not that Hoke is trashing Ohio State like a scumbag. That is missing the point.

All that matters is if people believe that is what's going on, and obviously many in Buckeye Nation do.

So cry your eyes out about it being false Michigan fans, that isn't going to prevent the Buckeyes from using this as extra motivation to beat your sorry asses once again in November and for every year the confused traitors are on your team, for every year Hoke is your head coach, and beyond.
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germ;1963680; said:
A report, LOL Dave Biddle and Bucknuts is a report. I guess some do not know what a "report" is these days.

Talk about logic, LOL

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WolverineMike;1963761; said:
Kind of curious though what people deem as negative recruiting.
It's tough to draw a bright line distinction, but if a coach is fraudulent - either claiming facts that aren't true, claiming knowledge he doesn't possess, or claiming to hold an opinion he doesn't really hold - in criticizing another program, probably everyone would agree that's snake oil. On the opposite end of the spectrum, if a coach is asked directly what he thinks or knows of a situation, and answers it honestly albeit disparagingly, I probably wouldn't give that the "negative recruiting" label. The more high-minded approach would be to say something like "I'm here to tell you about the positives of our program, not the negatives of someone else's", But I think there's space between the high-minded standard and the dirty-rumor-monger standard. The close call, to me, is if a coach gratuitiously injects more-or-less honestly held negative opinions into a conversation without being asked. Probably negative recruiting, but not a slam-dunk like fraud is.
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WolverineMike;1963761; said:
Kind of curious though what people deem as negative recruiting.

Pretty obvious...saying or implying negative things about an opposing program. Implying Ohio State is going to get hit with far worse sanctions than they will is a good example.
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Let's be honest (that' for Bucky Katt) we don't know what went on during the recruiting process. For all we know the recruit and his family asked if OSU would get hit with major sanctions. Hoke could have said yes, I don't know, no, etc. The families could have asked the OSU staff the same question and got "we don't know, we hope not, or we don't believe so, etc.
All we know for sure is that some recruits and their families decided to make a decision based on an unknown set of facts. I would think a prudent individual (and I am not really talking about a 17-18 year old kid) in the family structure would have thought let's wait until August so we will know OSU's penalty and then we can make an informed decision.
Now on the other hand if the rival coaching staff had said something along the lines of "the offer is on the table and I don't know if it will be here when OSU's fate is sealed in August" then I would have to re-access my thought process.
If I am immature (recruit), and not really sure of myself and my son's (recruit and family) status and his self-esteem and worth I probably jump at the offer before it is too late.
However, if I am thoughtful I am probably asking myself...Here is a coach who is making a bum rush now on my son and tells me he wants him now but perhaps not in a few weeks. Is this coaching staff going to be there in the future and have my boy's back if he goes to that school. Since this is in the July/August time frame and not January/February my gut tells me no. Any coaching staff who tells a kid to make a snap decision to attend their school over the summer doesn't hold they kid's in high esteem and is not looking out for their best interests now or in the future. You have to look at the time frame. In the closing weeks of the recruiting season you may have to honest with a kid and tell him that the door is closing and who commits first will get the last spot. That is the reality of the situation. but doing that over 6 months left in the recruiting process screams "this is all about winning, and not about your son, his future, his education, it is just about football.
I don't know if Scum used these tactics, but if they did Hoke is no better than Saban down in Bama....Heck if OSU used those tactics I would be embarrassed to say I was a fan....strike that ex-fan....just my 2 cents worth...
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I dont think Hoke did or had to negatively recruit at all...just coincide his phone calls to recruits withthose ESPN "bombshells".

Hoke: "Hey Kyle, did you watch SportsCenter last night?"
Kyle: "Yeah Coach, I can't believe how dirty OSU is..."
Hoke (smiling): Well actually I'm calling to talk to you about our storied history, if you have any time..."
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