What they butchered:
1. Norwell is the best OL since Pace, better or just as good as Adams in HS, I'll say it. I hope he shows up at the Cincy combine and proves why. No way on earth he isn't top 10 nationally.
2. No Tai-ler Jones...how are there 100 players better than Jones? I know the 30 schools that offered him don't think so.
3. No Matt James...they are out of their minds here. Easily top 100 material and top 50 imo. Everyone has offered.
4. Turner is too low. We all know he is a special athlete and is in the 10-20 range nationally imo.
5. Ware is too low. I know there are concerns that he has maxed out and I can understand that, but as of now, I believe Ware is in the 50-70 range. Not a huge deal here though.
6. James Hurst is WAY too high. He is a good player but top 10 nationally...a 5 star? Sorry but he is in the lower half of the 100 list.
7. Corey Brown is WAY too low. Brown is a 5 star and he is just not ranked high because of his injury. A healthy Corey Brown is a 5 star top 10-25 range.
8. No Nick Montana? I thought for sure he would turn up somewhere.
What they got right:
1. Jordan Hicks...kind of. Hicks isn't the top player in the state, Norwell is. Then Norwell is followed by Turner. However, I believe all 3 are 5 star material. However, he is an uncommited prospect looking to head south, so no surprise I guess.
2. Seantrel Henderson. He is the #1 guy, no doubt in my mind.
3. Lamarcus Joyner is big time and his ranking reinforces that.
4. Jeff Luc...he is filthy good and #10 in the country is appropriate.
5. No Baldwin or Bryant. Both are good players but Baldwin definetly will have something to prove this year and Bryant is more of a 150-200 range guy to me.
- All in all, not a bad list overall but there are some serious screw ups. Every year, Ohio is going to have at least one 5 star player and Rivals almost never wants to admit it. Hopefully we have some guys show up to their combines and force them to get the ranking. This is as loaded as I've seen Ohio since the '02 class...there are definetly two 5 stars in Norwell and Turner, I say Hicks is debatable but the offer list makes him one. Matt James also can be thrown in contention as well if he has a healthy season, his offer list speaks for itself. This year is so top heavy in Ohio talent that there is no excuses for Rivals this year.