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Tip of the hat to our Commish, Roger, for keeping the draft up and cooking - you've got a future in cat herding.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pk7yqlTMvp8"]YouTube - cowboys herding cats[/ame]

Now, watchers of the draft (Mock-BP) know I didn't step in front of the klieg lights during round 1 or 2, explanations are needed.

For round 2, suffice to ask, you do know those Rooney's are Irish. After five plate fulls of Corned Beef and Cabbage, plus all the Guinness our new Ambassador to Ireland could muster free I was in no shape for a public interview. Bloated, flatulent and drunk on your ass is no way to make public appearance - if you've ever seen the Ryan family reunion you know what I mean.

What about round 1? Well, we were coming off a mountain resort retreat and I had to take our [strike]sex criminal[/strike] MVP QB Big Ben to one side for a bit of a talking to. I suggested lunch, he suggested Hooters.

I had one question for Ben - could he put his finger on the problem? So, he calls over the Luscious Lucy (flaxen haired, big boobs and a gorgeous orange ass) and starts imitating the shocker right close to her nether regions.

After calming down the cops from the booth behind ours we skipped desert and moved to quieter surroundings - a dark smoky joint called the Mouse's Ear. The dancers were right up Ben's alley and he was soon pretty well relaxed and spilling the beans. I don't know if it means anything to you Football crazy folks but he swore he was going to emulate Tiger Woods, then he had us both driven over to Applebees all the while screaming about MILFs and something that was barely legal.

One step at a time I guess.

Anyway - on the picks. We needed a Center, got a good one in round 2 with J. D. Walton - man he sounds like a chain store! Needed an adaptable lineman and nailed one in round 1 with Iutapi. (We're still only going to offer him Guard money though, those Rooneys know how to count their pennies).

OK, enough on the draft; I'm now returning to my regularly scheduled duties - extracting Big Ben's digits from under drinking age female orifices.

One step at a time.
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With the 31st pick in the second round, Indianapolis selects:

Mike Johnson, OG, Alabama


Nawlins is on the clock...
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Today's picks: Any of the first three may now pick at any time.

21. Patriots -

31. Colts
- *****************skipped

2. Detroit -
3/19, 12:00
3. Tampa Bay - 3/19, 2:00
4. Kansas City -
3/19, 4:00
5. Oakland -
3/19, 6:00

I think I have the order of the 3rd round picks correct. I got the list a couple weeks ago, so someone correct me if I missed something.
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Today's picks:

2.31 - Indianapolis
3.4 - Kansas City

3.7 - Philadelphia - 12:00AM
3.8 - Cleveland - 2:00PM
3.9 - Buffalo - 4:00PM
3.10 - Miami - 6:00PM

Any of the first four picks listed can be made at any time. Feel free to double check the order I have for 3rd round picks 4-10.
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New system. Let's use this numbering system (so folks have a clearer picture of when they're up)...

those helping as commish:
- when a pick is missed, still post that pick:
- with the ___ so-n-so selects:
... then indicate who is on the clock

those drafting, when your pick is skipped:
- edit the original post (mentioned above)
- quote it here as a heads up
- edit the first post to reflect your selection
Roger Goodell;1676852; said:
With the 31st pick in the second round, Indianapolis selects:

Mike Johnson, OG, Alabama

Nawlins is on the clock...
Roger Goodell;1677490; said:
Note: Washington spent their 3rd round pick in the 09 supplemental draft.

With the 5th of the 3rd round of the 2010 NFL Draft, Detroit selects:

Joe McKnight, RB, Southern Cal

Oakland is on the clock...
Delete the pic in the quote to save space.

Note: Washington's 3rd round pick was skipped due to the compensatory draft in 09, I added their pick as a 'skip' so we could retain the 32 per round system.

Thus, Jax actually has until 10 AM tue to pick.
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Also, stowfan will be on very infrequently... see his PM for the general positions he's looking to restock, and just take the top ranked player available when his pick is up.

Buffalo & Miami have their selections in. Just waiting on cleveland...
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