OK. I have to come clean. TSUN fans are right; I can't sleep at night due to fear.
It started when I saw how much RRod had aged in a year. I knew he was out there thinking about ways to drive TSUN to victory. Relentlessly.
That's when I started having trouble sleeping at night. It was kinda like Mike Hart coming back.
You always knew he was coming. Relentlessly. And that this year he was gonna do it. I don't know, he just rode that bike with such a fearsome look on his face and I was, well, just overwhelmed.
It wasn't just RRod. He was attracting top people, like Barwis. You knew they were bringing in top minds...and landing the best looking, fun-loving girls...
So, yeah. When all is said and done. I live in absolute fear and probably won't sleep until The Game. All we got was this guy. Right values. Right leadership. How you gonna beat a storied program like TSUN with someone like that.