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With the 92nd pick in the 2009 BP Mock Draft, the Indianapolis Colts select...


Gartrell Johnson, RB, Colorado State

Carolina is on the clock...
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Todd McShay;1410294; said:
He runs a 4.7 40 :shake:
how often do they run 40 yards, boy wonder? :lol:

This is a bit of a reach for Gartrell Johnson, but he has the potential to be a solid role player along the lines of Lendale White. At 5'11" 220 lbs he is a punishing, productive runner and continued that success in the Senior Bowl. While he does not provide great speed, his vision, low center of gravity and aggression will do well in spot duty for the colts.

I think he'll be another good pickup for the colts, he just went a round or two early.
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