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I think Jeremy Maclin is one of the most intriguing prospects in the 2009 NFL Draft. You look at his versatility and explosiveness, two things NFL teams can't get enough of. Ted Ginn Jr is going to be the comparison we hear a lot, top-10 pick to the Miami Dolphins. I think at this point, Maclin coming out of college is a more polished WR. Just as explosive in terms of speed and agility, the ability to make an impact at WR and in the return game. I had him pegged for the 10-20 range coming into today. He should be an impact player right away in the NFL.
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With the 19th pick in the 2009 NFL Draft, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers select...


Peria Jerry, DT, Ole Miss

Carolina is on the clock...
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We really needed help at defensive tackle, and love what Jerry brings to the table. We believe that his upside in quickness, agility, and his consistency are huge for our defense. He's fast enough to abuse guards and strong enough to overpower many centers.
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Peria... Jerry... Defensive Tackle at Ole Miss. Banged up when the 08 season began, he's been outstanding of late. Leads that Rebel defense with 10.5 tackles for loss. Was the anchor of Houston Nutt's breakout season at Ole Miss. Heck of a football player, disengages from the blocker, finds the football, has been productive. Watch out for this kid, remember Patrick Willis a few years ago from Ole Miss as well.
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Davis is a bit of a risk, considering he comes with a reputation for inconsistency and questionable work habits. However, there isn't a cornerback in this year's class with better pure man-to-man cover skills. This looks like a case of Carolina taking the best player available. Was it worth trading Julius Peppers? Time will tell.
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Excellent value here for Philadelphia. Coming into today, I had Britton as the 7th best player overall and 2nd best lineman. He has the size, potential and athletic ability to develop into a starting right tackle in the NFL. Both tackle positions needed to be addressed this offseason, and Philly has started off well with this selection.
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More beef from the SEC, though scouts have some of their own with this prospect. Sen'Derrick Marks is quick but his lack of size is a concern at the next level. He has a tendency to get swallowed up inside at times. However he is a very versatile lineman who showed great inside pass-rushing potential, and should do nicely in Minnesota's deep and elite DL.
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