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2008 U.S. Army All-American Bowl - Jan. 5th

NFBuck;1051146; said:
The sky is falling on most scUM boards. I love CFB message boards.:lol:

Really? Guess Boubacar's performance was below ridiculous expectations. Brandon Smith looked reasonably good, though McGuffie only had one impact run - when it was damned near done as a game.

Of course it could be about Pryor's helmet games ...

Couple of quick thoughts

Mike Golic Jr. looks like he will need extensive weight room and S&C work to take on Center or any similar position at ND - TE body right now.

Cissoko was simply abused.

Pryor was without a doubt deserving of the POG award - elusive, accurate. He is everything that he was advertised to be. Plus, this stand-out performance comes against his talent peers, not PA DII.

Very, very pleasantly surprised by Thomas - better than I had hoped, electric running - just as McGuffie was supposed to provide.

Adams more than kept up his end on the field - opened big holes, one that stood out for me was on Gray's TD.

Lastly - loved the Buckeye stickers prominence :biggrin:
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rock454;1051072; said:
Did anyone else notice that as they panned across the crowd of soldiers a ton of them were passed out and the rest of them looked like they'd rather be getting a colon cleansing?
My wife and I noticed that too. ROTC ... They aren't there because they want to be, but it is three hours to nap without anyone screaming in their faces. :wink2:
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goblue15;1051151; said:
People are freaking because boo gave up 2 tds. Go figure!

Also dropped a punt for a turnover and had an interference call.

Not a good day. I would worry about the kid's height. I don't care about his leaping ability. The WR's he will be going up against that are 6 to 8 inches taller can leap as well.
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Props to Pryor for his MVP performance. Saw great things from Flash. Adams looks like as close to a franchise OL as they come. Didn't see a lot of Sabino. I'm very happy with the receivers we have in this class, but Floyd looked VERY good today. Would have been nice to reel him in. Just hope somebody at ND can throw decent passes to him in the next few years. He deserves it.
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