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2008 U.S. Army All-American Bowl - Jan. 5th

I'm not sure why you guys are hung up on Pryor...this Porter kid playing QB for the East looks like a monster.

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A source down there says Pryor put the sticker on himself...not Posey or Brewster...and also said Pryor was joining in on the OH-IO chant with Posey, Adams, et al. after his TD pass. Make of that what you will...
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BuckeyeThunder;1051113; said:
This may have been stated earlier but they have listed Deangelo Tyson several times as an OSU commit... I assume this is a mistake but I wondered if I missed something. I believe he is already a Georgia commit... Is that correct?
Yep, it's an error (shocking), he's a bulldog.
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