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2008 Extremely Early Pre-Season Rankings

King_of_da_Vern;624419; said:
as i see it there is only one true football team in the top 5 that being :osu: . I hate to say it but M*ch*g*a* is up there too they have got some heart
Is there a reason in particular that you're commenting on Pat Forde's pre-season rankings for this season, written in January 2006, in ... uh ... October? :(
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craigblitz;624438; said:
Maybe he has decided to read every post on BP and came across this and decided to add his opinion....lol who know, but hey Michigan has a lot of heart.:oh:
The only thing worse than people who don't use the search feature, are the people that do and respond to everything they find. :tongue2:

Hopefully Best Buckeye will use the search button someday, then we can all rofl when Mili blows a blood vessel in his head. :biggrin:
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Dryden;624442; said:
The only thing worse than people who don't use the search feature, are the people that do and respond to everything they find. :tongue2:

Hopefully Best Buckeye will use the search button someday, then we can all rofl when Mili blows a blood vessel in his head. :biggrin:

So what would be the search he was looking for? Are people banging around looking for Pat Ford rankings on the Planet? tOSU #2? Weird.
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