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Detroit selects Chris Williams to give some much needed help to the offensive line. Mendenhall was also on the board after the loss to Kevin Jones but was selected one pick earlier. Offensive tackle is a deep position in this draft and the Lions used that to their advantage.
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With the 17th pick in the 2008 BP Mock Draft, the Minnesota Vikings select...

Calais Campbell, DE, Miami


Houston is on the clock, till 12 pm EST.
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Rd1 .. TEAM .. Pos ... Pick ............. School
1 .... MIA ... DE ... Chris Long........Virginia
.... STL ... OT ... Jake Long.........Michigan
3 .... ATL ... DT ... Sedrick Ellis.....USC
4 .... OAK ... DT ... Glenn Dorsey......LSU
5 .... KC .... OT ... Ryan Clady........Boise St
6 .... NYJ ... RB ... Darren McFadden...Arkansas
7 .... NE .... DE ... Vernon Gholston...Ohio State
8 .... BAL ... CB ... Mike Jenkins......South Florida
9 .... CIN ... LB ... Keith Rivers......Southern Carolina
10 ... NO .... CB ... Leodis McKelvin...Troy
11 ... BUF ... CB ... D.Rogers-Cromartie.Tenn State
12 ... DEN ... DT ... Kentwan Balmer....UNC
13 ... CAR ... QB ... Matt Ryan.........Boston College
14 ... CHI ... RB ... Rashard Mendenhall.Illinois
15 ... DET ... OT ... Chris Williams....Vanderbilt
16 ... ARI ... DE ... Derrick Harvey....Florida
17 ... MIN ... DE ... Calais Campbell...Miami
18 ... HOU ... RB ... Jonathan Stewart..Oregon
19 ... PHI ... ScarletBlood31 ... 19
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BTW, Roger may continue to facilitate the picks for the first round... but after that (at least on sat-sun, when I'm gone) we'll have people post their own picks, with the top-5 as a fallback.
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With the 18th pick, Tampa Bay selects...

DeSean Jackson, WR, California

Our WRs are getting older and we dicided to go with Jackson over Kelly because of his kick return ability.
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Roger Goodell;1119516; said:
With the 20th pick in the 2008 BP Mock Draft, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers select...

DeSean Jackson, WR, California
PHEW! Still harboring a heavy grudge from being overruled on Hester 2 years ago, I was tempted to pull the trigger on this human highlight reel. This time it was out of my hands.

Our staff was pushing for a certain interior lineman, but I threatened to promote more unworthy staff members.

Devin Thomas brings speed & size to the wideout position, as well as excellent hands and playmaking ability after the catch. He should excel in our new West Coast offense.
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