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I'm seeing a ton of OT picks in the mocks, so Williams seems like the ticket, especially with his athleticism.

They need DT, S & OT, in that order per NFLDC, but there aren't worthy players for the first two needs.
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Rd1 .. TEAM .. Pos ... Pick ............. School
1 .... MIA ... DE ... Chris Long........Virginia
.... STL ... OT ... Jake Long.........Michigan
3 .... ATL ... DT ... Sedrick Ellis.....USC
4 .... OAK ... DT ... Glenn Dorsey......LSU
5 .... KC .... OT ... Ryan Clady........Boise St
6 .... NYJ ... RB ... Darren McFadden...Arkansas
7 .... NE .... DE ... Vernon Gholston...Ohio State
8 .... BAL ... CB ... Mike Jenkins......South Florida
9 .... CIN ... LB ... Keith Rivers......Southern Carolina
10 ... NO .... CB ... Leodis McKelvin...Troy
11 ... BUF ... CB ... D.Rogers-Cromartie...Tenn State
12 ... DEN ... DT ... Kentwan Balmer....UNC
13 ... CAR ... QB ... Matt Ryan.........Boston College
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With the 14th pick in the 2008 BP Mock Draft, the Chicago Bears select...

Rashard Mendenhall, RB, Illinois


Detroit is on the clock.
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With the 16th pick in the 2008 BP Mock Draft, the Arizona Cardinals select...

Derrick Harvey, DE, Florida

Minnesota is on the clock...

4 hr downtime to collect picks. Countdown clock will resume at 12 PM EST.
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