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With the 233rd pick, Seattle selects

Walter Scott, OG, Kentucky


San Diego is on the clock...
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Roger Goodell;1146195; said:
With the 234th pick, San Diego selects...

Dwight Lowery, CB, San Jose State


Dallas is on the clock...

It's about damn time. If this had gone on any longer I was about to start dropping hints so that some of these guys would get drafted. Hell Lowery is a 4th round projection. He is a steal this far down in the draft but....at least he finally got drafted. The same could be said for Dingle.
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h0bb3s;1146118; said:
So far our Mock Draft is 0/1. Miami has signed Jake Long as the #1 overall pick.

I still think Chris Long would have been a solid choice for Miami at #1. Besides, can you blame a lifelong OSU fan for not picking a scUMmer #1? :)
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