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2008 Big 12 Discussion






Aug. 30 Florida Atlantic
Sep. 06 at UTEP
Sep. 13 Arkansas
Sep. 20 Rice
Sep. 27 - open date
Oct. 04 at Colorado
Oct. 11 Oklahoma (Dallas)
Oct. 18 Missouri
Oct. 25 Oklahoma State
Nov. 01 at Texas Tech
Nov. 08 Baylor
Nov. 15 at Kansas
Nov. 22 - open date
Nov. 28 Texas A&M
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BB73;1206819; said:





Aug. 30 UT Chattanooga
Sep. 06 Cincinnati
Sep. 13 at Washington
Sep. 20 - open date
Sep. 27 TCU
Oct. 04 at Baylor
Oct. 11 Texas (Dallas)
Oct. 18 Kansas
Oct. 25 at Kansas State
Nov. 01 Nebraska
Nov. 08 at Texas A&M
Nov. 15 - open date
Nov. 22 Texas Tech
Nov. 29 at Oklahoma State

Washington is their toughest OOC game? What a weak schedule. [/2007 non-Buckeye fan]
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bkochmc;1207006; said:
Washington is their toughest OOC game? What a weak schedule. [/2007 non-Buckeye fan]

Definitely agree with the point you're making there, and it's a clever way to do it...

but TCU is probably their toughest OOC game. Washington should be, but they are not what they should be. TCU on the other hand is one of the best non-BCS programs year-to-year.
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Great fact-checking, as indicated in the part I've bolded. He spelled Hayden Fry's name incorrectly, but what's even worse is that he places Iowa in the Southwest Conference in 1991.


Big 12 back among powerhouse conferences
By John Marshall, AP Sports Writer

KANSAS CITY, Mo. - There was a time when the Big 12 was known for being top-heavy, powerhouses like Oklahoma and Texas playing for national championships and the rest of the conference fighting it out to squeak into some smaller bowl game.


The new style kind of caught first-year Nebraska coach Bo Pelini off guard in his return to the Big 12.

He started his career in the Southwest Conference, the precursor to the Big 12, as a graduate assistant to Hayden Frye at Iowa in 1991. Pelini returned to the conference in 2003 as Nebraska's defensive coordinator after nine years in the NFL, then spent a year at Oklahoma as co-defensive coordinator. A few teams had started to open it up a little back then, but nothing like today.

Cont'd ...
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Missouri and Oklahoma are picked to meet in the Big 12 CCG.


Missouri the pick in Big 12 North

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) -- Missouri surpassed expectations last year, in part because there weren't that many.

That won't be the case this year. After nearly playing their way into the national championship game in 2007 and finishing the season No. 4, the Tigers won't be sneaking up on opponents in 2008.

Missouri and Oklahoma were picked to repeat as division champions in a preseason media poll. Missouri was a unanimous selection to win the North and Oklahoma received 49 of 51 first-place votes to win the South, with Texas getting the other two.

"We're the hunted now; we used to be the hunters and now we're the hunted," Missouri quarterback Chase Daniel said. "We're excited about the fact that we could do that. We're excited about the fact that we can do a lot of things on offense, defense and special teams, but we've got a long way to do that and we can get a lot better."

Cont'd ...
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Texas seems to be flying under the radar this season, which is totally understandable. We had a down year last season (shows how spoiled we are :p), but I expect a good season. It's going to be hard to keep our 10 wins a year streak alive, but it can be done.
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TexasFootball;1218956; said:
Texas seems to be flying under the radar this season, which is totally understandable. We had a down year last season (shows how spoiled we are :p), but I expect a good season. It's going to be hard to keep our 10 wins a year streak alive, but it can be done.

I'm curious to see how your D plays with the new DC.
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Muschamp's a crazy guy on the field, and should light a fire under these guys. The front 7 was great last season, but the secondary was garbage. They should be better.

Here's my own, personal write-up for the Longhorns. I copy and pasted it from the original forum I wrote it on.

QB: Our returning starter, Colt McCoy, had a pretty mediocre year last year, especially for his standards after his freshman year. He had 3,179 passing yards, 21 TD's, but the killer was the number of INT's he threw (18), some of that had to do with the offensive line play last season, but I'll get to that later. After Colt, there's two athletic QB's that could have a Tim Tebow-esque impact that he had for the Gators in 2006. Those two would be John Chiles and Sherrod Harris. John Chiles is freakishly athletic, could play a lot of different positions on the field. He will be the back-up for Colt this season, and like I said, he might have the Tim Tebow effect on this offense. A guy I was really impressed with in the spring game was Sherrod Harris. He was making a lot of plays in the spring game, and will be the 3rd string QB this year.

Overall QB grade: A-: Colt should rebound and have a good year. Chiles will have a great impact and should be more of a factor in the offense this year.

RB's: The loss of Jamaal Charles to the NFL draft really shook up the RB position in Austin, but he have some guys that could soften the blow. Vondrell McGee had a nice year last season and will probably be the starting RB. He's got a lot of talent, and I expect him to play well this season. Also have Chris Ogbonnaya, a big, bruising RB/FB that will pound defenses to set up our big play RB's. A guy I've heard that has really impressed the coaching staff is Fozzy Whittaker. A shifty RB who can really tear up defenses if he gets a hole. We have a freshman coming in by the name of DeSean Hales, and his tapes from high school amazed a lot of people. There are some other guys (Tre Newton, Jeremy Hills, Antwan Cobb, etc.) that shouldn't really get much time.

Overall grade: B-: Most guys are unproven expect for Oggy.


We lost our two biggest weapons in the air last season, both to the NFL draft (Limas Sweed and Jermichael Finley), but we've got a couple of guys to help. Quan Cosby is the main guy at the WR position, he should make a lot of plays for this team. Jordan Shipley has been plagued by injuries his entire career here, but he's coming into the year healthy, which is good. He's got some speed and can make some plays. At TE, another guy that has impressed the staff is Blaine Irby, one of the rare players on this roster that's from outside of the state. He (at least from talents) reminds me of David Thomas. Other than that at WR/TE, we have some unproven guys and a lot of freshmen.

Overall grade: B-: Again, unproven guys except for Quan and Jordan.

O-line: Last year was a BAD year for the offensive line. A lot of freshman, sophomores and injuries that hurt this team. Ced Dockery got hurt last season, and hurt the interior of the o-line. We had some freshman last season that showed some potential (Tray Allen, Michael Huey, Kyle Nix, etc.). Adam Ulatoski is back, and that also helps. Players like Chris Hall, Buck Burnette, Charlie Tanner, etc. who are good as well. Some freshmen coming in (David Snow, Mark Buchanan, etc.) that project to be good.

Overall grade: A-: A lot of these guys have experience now, and that will help out a lot.

D-line: The strength of this team for the last few years has been the defense line. A lot of guys have come through here (Rod Wright, Larry Dibbles, Tim Crowder, Brian Robison, etc.) and been great. We have guys that are doing that, and WILL do that. Brian Orakpo was hurt last season, and is back. This guy disrupts backfields and reeks havoc on QB's. Eddie Jones, who was a 5-star prospect in 2006, had a pretty good year last season. He'll probably have an even better year. LaMarr Houston was previously a DE, but was moved to DT this off-season because of lack of depth. Aaron Lewis was lost last season in the Oklahoma game to an injury, and he will also be back. As for DT's, Roy Miller is the star at this position, and is now the #1 guy there. Like I said, LaMarr Houston is now moved to DT to be on his opposite side. A freshman by the name of Jarvis Humphrey is coming in and should get in the rotation.

Overall grade: A: It's been a strength of this team for the last years, and that won't change.

LB's: We lost a guy I'm wasn't a fan of at all (Robert Killebrew) who made a lot of mistakes in angles and a lot of stupid penalties, but he's gone now.
Sergio Kindle looks to be the star of this team defensively, when he's healthy. He hasn't had bad injuries, but he's had nagging injuries that have kept him off the field, and we need him, because he's a major, major talent. Rodderick Muckelroy is another athletic guy that makes plays for the defense. At MLB, we have a great talent in Jared Norton, who's a real athletic guy at this position. Rashad Bobino is a senior with leadership, but I don't think he's the player Norton is. Have some other guys that are very talented (Keenan Robinson, Dravannti Johnson, Emmanuel Ocho, etc.) who could have an impact at times in the future.

Overall grade: A+: Sergio Kindle. Beast. Rod Muckelroy. Beast.

DB's: Ever since Michael Huff left, it seems the secondary hasn't been as good as expected, because there's a lot of talent back there. Deon Beasley is probably going to be 1st string, but CB's swap at all times in the game like all other positions, so that's that. Curtis Brown is one of my favorites on the team, and I expect him to do work this year with a breakout season. Chykie Brown, Ryan Palmer etc. are some other guys. We have a freshman by the name of Aaron Williams (who can play CB and safety) was, according to rivals, the #1 prospect in the state of Texas, even though they had him rated as a 4-star, which was odd, but yeah. At that said position, safety, we have Ishie Oduegwu who will most likely start at SS. We have Christian Scott back there as well that should make plays. At the other side (FS), Ben Wells should be the starter there with some others guy. Some freshman (Aforementioned Aaron Williams, Nolan Brewster, D.J. Monroe, etc.) might have some impact, even though Aaron Williams will.

Overall grade: B+: Nice mix of talents back there. Should do well.

K's/P's: This will be the shortest of the others, so this will be brief. Ryan Bailey is the kicker at Texas, and has made a name with making game winning kicks. Hunter Lawrence has a big leg, and will be the guy for kickoffs. Our punter is Trevor Gerland.

Overall grade: B: Ryan Bailey is a pretty good kicker.

Overall team grade: A: This team is going to have a tough road to hoe, but they can do it. We have 9 bowl teams on the schedule this year, but I think we're going to keeps the 10 wins a year streak alive.
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