Week 6 Lines + Final Scores:
Florida 24 at LSU 28 (-8.5)
Ohio State 23 (-6.5) at Purdue 7
Wisconsin 26 at Illinois 31 (-2.5)
Oklahoma 28 (-10.5) at Texas 21
Georgia 14 at Tennessee 35 (-2.5)
Virginia Tech 41 at Clemson 23 (-4.5)
Nebraska 6 at Missouri 41 (-6.5)
Cincinnati 28 at Rutgers 23 (-3.5)
Iowa 7 at Penn St 27 (-8.5)
Arizona St 23 (-8.5) at Washington St 20
The correct picks for Week 6 were:
Ohio State
Virginia Tech
Penn St
Washington St
All participants for Week 6 and the number of correct picks:
8: bearonu, RoscoeParrish
7: Ahiacitian, buckeyefool, daddyphatsacs, Deety, JmwGoBucks, Mothra, NYBuckeye, Thump, Zurp
6: Bestbuck36, Big Papa, buckeyemania11, Bucky Katt, budbuck6969, GoodLifeSean, jenkinswoody, LitlBuck, mathstinks, ScriptOhio, WoodyWorshiper
5: BB73, BuckeyeMike80, bucks4me, bukIpower, CleveBucks, Darkhorse79, Dryden, fourteenandoh, HineyBuck, holybuckeye33, Hubbard, jlb1705, MightbeaBuck, muffler dragon, Shelby, shetuck, Tipdogusaf, Wingate1217
4: ArmyVet83, bkochmc, Brutus654, buck1973, Buckeyefan_6, buckeyetarheel, BuckNutty, BusNative, crafdog, DaddyBigBucks, FCollinsBuckeye, iambrutus, Lou270slant, osugrad21, OSUsushichic, Piney, sears3820, ytownbuckeye
3: Buckeneye, CincyBuck88, coastalbuck, NFBuck, sandgk, Saw31, THEWOOD, Tlangs
2: SparkyOSU
1: DEBuckeye
Standings for all participants who have met the minimum requirement for picks to date (>50%), sorted by percentage correct:
Remember, you must submit picks for over half of the regular season weeks (min. 8 of 14), plus pick all the bowl games (32)!
starBUCKS ........... 0.700 ...... 35/50
NYBuckeye ........... 0.617 ...... 37/60
Thump ............... 0.617 ...... 37/60
buckeyemania11 ...... 0.600 ...... 36/60
JmwGoBucks .......... 0.600 ...... 36/60
Zurp ................ 0.600 ...... 30/50
fourteenandoh ....... 0.583 ...... 35/60
Bucky Katt .......... 0.567 ...... 34/60
OSUsushichic ........ 0.560 ...... 28/50
Brutus654 ........... 0.550 ...... 33/60
buckeyefool ......... 0.550 ...... 33/60
BuckeyeMike80 ....... 0.550 ...... 33/60
BuckNutty ........... 0.550 ...... 33/60
budbuck6969 ......... 0.550 ...... 33/60
CleveBucks .......... 0.550 ...... 33/60
FCollinsBuckeye ..... 0.550 ...... 33/60
HineyBuck ........... 0.550 ...... 33/60
Hubbard ............. 0.550 ...... 33/60
RoscoeParrish ....... 0.550 ...... 33/60
sandgk .............. 0.550 ...... 33/60
ScriptOhio .......... 0.550 ...... 33/60
WoodyWorshiper ...... 0.550 ...... 33/60
Big Papa ............ 0.550 ...... 22/40
Brutus - NYC ........ 0.550 ...... 22/40
Smooth Olaf ......... 0.550 ...... 22/40
daddyphatsacs ....... 0.540 ...... 27/50
Saw31 ............... 0.540 ...... 27/50
CincyBuck88 ......... 0.533 ...... 32/60
crafdog ............. 0.533 ...... 32/60
jenkinswoody ........ 0.533 ...... 32/60
LitlBuck ............ 0.533 ...... 32/60
Lou270slant ......... 0.533 ...... 32/60
Wingate1217 ......... 0.533 ...... 32/60
Bestbuck36 .......... 0.525 ...... 21/40
buckeyetarheel ...... 0.520 ...... 26/50
bucks4me ............ 0.520 ...... 26/50
holybuckeye33 ....... 0.517 ...... 31/60
NFBuck .............. 0.517 ...... 31/60
Piney ............... 0.517 ...... 31/60
ytownbuckeye ........ 0.517 ...... 31/60
buck1973 ............ 0.500 ...... 30/60
bukIpower ........... 0.500 ...... 30/60
Dryden .............. 0.500 ...... 30/60
Shelby .............. 0.500 ...... 30/60
Darkhorse79 ......... 0.500 ...... 25/50
gbearbuck ........... 0.500 ...... 25/50
GoodLifeSean ........ 0.500 ...... 25/50
MightbeaBuck ........ 0.500 ...... 25/50
coastalbuck ......... 0.483 ...... 29/60
Deety ............... 0.483 ...... 29/60
iambrutus ........... 0.483 ...... 29/60
Mothra .............. 0.483 ...... 29/60
osugrad21 ........... 0.483 ...... 29/60
bearonu ............. 0.480 ...... 24/50
Wells4Heisman ....... 0.480 ...... 24/50
gregorylee .......... 0.475 ...... 19/40
wdg01 ............... 0.475 ...... 19/40
Ahiacitian .......... 0.467 ...... 28/60
DaddyBigBucks ....... 0.467 ...... 28/60
bkochmc ............. 0.460 ...... 23/50
sears3820 ........... 0.460 ...... 23/50
BB73 ................ 0.450 ...... 27/60
ArmyVet83 ........... 0.450 ...... 18/40
ctheado ............. 0.440 ...... 22/50
jlb1705 ............. 0.433 ...... 26/60
THEWOOD ............. 0.433 ...... 26/60
Tlangs .............. 0.420 ...... 21/50
DEBuckeye ........... 0.400 ...... 16/40
SparkyOSU ........... 0.380 ...... 19/50
Tipdogusaf .......... 0.380 ...... 19/50
Standings for all participants who have NOT met the minimum requirement for picks to date (<=50%), sorted by percentage correct:
OStateNate .......... 0.800 ...... 8/10
BuckTwenty .......... 0.700 ...... 7/10
mstevmac ............ 0.700 ...... 7/10
buckeyebilly ........ 0.650 ...... 13/20
Lazlo ............... 0.650 ...... 13/20
Buckeye86 ........... 0.633 ...... 19/30
AKAKBUCK ............ 0.600 ...... 18/30
SanAntonioBuck ...... 0.600 ...... 18/30
scooter1369 ......... 0.600 ...... 12/20
Buckeye Nation ...... 0.600 ...... 6/10
IronBuckI ........... 0.600 ...... 6/10
mathstinks .......... 0.600 ...... 6/10
ant80 ............... 0.567 ...... 17/30
dav713 .............. 0.550 ...... 11/20
JonathanXC .......... 0.550 ...... 11/20
osustamm ............ 0.533 ...... 16/30
Cincinnatibuck ...... 0.500 ...... 15/30
jwinslow ............ 0.500 ...... 10/20
Brutus1 ............. 0.500 ...... 5/10
muffler dragon ...... 0.500 ...... 5/10
NightmaresDad ....... 0.500 ...... 5/10
sarletngrey11 ....... 0.500 ...... 5/10
shetuck ............. 0.500 ...... 5/10
Tonyank ............. 0.500 ...... 5/10
GA_bucki ............ 0.450 ...... 9/20
SarasotaBuck ........ 0.450 ...... 9/20
BusNative ........... 0.433 ...... 13/30
Buckeneye ........... 0.400 ...... 8/20
BuckeyeSoldier ...... 0.400 ...... 4/10
Bucks07 ............. 0.400 ...... 4/10
kinch ............... 0.400 ...... 4/10
ScarletStorms ....... 0.400 ...... 4/10
utahosu63 ........... 0.400 ...... 4/10
Buckeyefan_6 ........ 0.350 ...... 7/20