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2006 Heisman Discussion (merged all)

Wow, that's all I can say.
Not to take anything away from Bush but last year's Heisman was a glamour show, like watching a hip-hop music video. But this years... damn. Troy is an excellent speaker and very sincere. I love that you could even see the previous winners behind him getting emotional. I already knew his story, but his words and charismatic appearance are even more reverant.
I'm off to go track down a recording now...
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Ohio State's Smith is runaway winner of Heisman Trophy
Posted 12/9/2006 8:58 PM ET

By Amy Sancetta, AP

Ohio State's Troy Smith joins some of the other great names in college football after winning the Heisman Trophy.

NEW YORK (AP) - For Ohio State and Troy Smith, it's been that kind of year.
The Buckeyes were No. 1 from start to finish and their star quarterback had no real challenger in winning the Heisman Trophy.
Smith was a runaway winner Saturday night as the best player in college football, just two years after nearly derailing his career by taking money from a booster.

The senior quarterback moved to the front of the Heisman race in September with a flawless performance against Texas and finished off a perfect regular season by throwing four touchdown passes against Michigan.

Now, there's only one thing left for Smith to do: Beat Florida for the national championship on Jan. 8.

Troy Smith............Ohio State.. 801...62....13....2,540
Darren McFadden...Arkansas.......45..298..147.....878
Brady Quinn...........Notre Dame...13..276..191.....782
Steve Slaton.........West Virginia...6....51....94.....214
Mike Hart..............Michigan.........5....58....79.....210
Colt Brennan..........Hawaii...........6....44.....96.....202
Ray Rice...............Rutgers..........1....16.....44......79
Ian Johnson..........Boise State.....1....13.....44......73
Dwayne Jarrett......Southern Cal...1....11.....22......47
Calvin Johnson.......Georgia Tech..1......8.....24......43
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Not quite sure why all the Brady Quinn hatred. Yeah he plays for ND(F them). Yeah his coach is Jabba The Hut(F him). However, he's done nothing but show class throughout his career and the award presenations. He's a damn good football player, have to admit that. He's no Troy Smith but then again, who is?

Anyways, Brady has said nothing but great things for and to Troy throughout this whole thing. That has to be rough on him ya know. As soon as Troy was announced as the winner Brady stood right up, shook his hand, gave him a half hug, and obviously said something generous into Troys ear. Classy in my eyes. Lets not get carried away, they are afterall student athletes under immense scrutiny.

btw: how tough must that be to double major in 4 years and have the ability to go to Law School right now, all while being the center of attention as ND's Quarterback?
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Magua;683924; said:
Not quite sure why all the Brady Quinn hatred. Yeah he plays for ND(F them). Yeah his coach is Jabba The Hut(F him). However, he's done nothing but show class throughout his career and the award presenations. He's a damn good football player, have to admit that. He's no Troy Smith but then again, who is?

Anyways, Brady has said nothing but great things for and to Troy throughout this whole thing. That has to be rough on him ya know. As soon as Troy was announced as the winner Brady stood right up, shook his hand, gave him a half hug, and obviously said something generous into Troys ear. Classy in my eyes. Lets not get carried away, they are afterall student athletes under immense scrutiny.

btw: how tough must that be to double major in 4 years and have the ability to go to Law School right now, all while being the center of attention as ND's Quarterback?

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Buckin' A;683921; said:
Chalk that up as one of those moments that I will always remember.

I feel the same. There are so many great moments in tOSU football but this will rate right up there with any other great memories I have have.
Troy is just a NC away from becoming one of the greatest, if not the greatest Buckeye in the history of tOSU football. Wow.

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