The automated module has been populated with the games, college and pro for both straight and spread. MAKE YOUR PICKS FOR COLLEGE/SPREAD BOTH IN GBEAR'S WEEK 4 THREAD AND IN THE AUTOMATION.
The current line of thinking is that people who only picked spread are the ones who aren't showing up in the results. I haven't been able to drop this in the coder's lap yet, but when I can and do, I'm sure we'll have a quick fix.
In the meantime, do make your picks both places, as I believe your picks are being entered in the database, even if the results are not yet showing.
Do not email or PM me to tell me your picks aren't showing up. Do not tell someone else to email or PM me to let me know their picks aren't showing up. As evidenced by a number of posts in the threads related to this subject, I am well aware of the problem, and will address it when and as possible.