Book excerpt from:
[ame=""]1968: The Year That Saved Ohio State Football.[/ame]
by David Hyde
An introduction from David Hyde, the author:
The book is called "1968: The Year That Saved Ohio State Football." It's essentially a re-creation of that season starting with the 1966 season, when Woody Hayes had a losing record, was burned in effigy, fans started chanting, "Good-Bye Woody" in Ohio Stadium ... and he re-invented himself and the program. He brought in bright, young assistants (Lou Holtz, Bill Mallory, George Chaump ...), changed the offense from the Robust T-Formation, began to recruit nationally for the first time and saw the universes align with the recruiting class that became known as the Super Sophs (Rex Kern, Jack Tatum, Jim Stillwagon ...) This is the story of that time and that team.
Read the excerpt here:
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