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#15 Indiana 81, #18 Ohio State 79 (final)

I would cut Twigs a little slack.

He's only a soph that played very, very little last year, and he's going up against one of the best post players in the nation.

I don't expect much from him, but every time the Buckeyes throw an entry pass he fumbles it, he's had a few bad turnovers, the missed free throws don't help, the touch fouls on the defensive end...like I said, I don't expect much, but I would hope he can at least handle an entry pass...
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I don't expect much from him, but every time the Buckeyes throw an entry pass he fumbles it, he's had a few bad turnovers, the missed free throws don't help, the touch fouls on the defensive end...like I said, I don't expect much, but I would hope he can at least handle an entry pass...

Again, he's only a soph that barely played last year. This is the most minutes he's ever played and he's playing against the #15 team in the country - and the officials - in their house.
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I would cut Twigs a little slack.

He's only a soph that played very, very little last year, and he's going up against one of the best post players in the nation.

It's not just on the defensive end. He's very tentative on the offensive side and seems to have vaseline smeared on his mitts. Guys aren't even looking for him when we have the ball.
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This is going to be a tough game to win when both Terwilliger and Dials have 4 fouls. Those guys need to realize that you don't have to hack every time they make a nice pass and get an open look at the basket down low. It's alright to give an uncontested lay up every now and then to avoid foul trouble...
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