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'11 JUCO QB Zack Stoudt (Ole Miss Signee)

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dozerbuck;964748; said:
i would love to see Zack grayshirt!!!

Grayshirt at OSU and wait for at least 2 years to compete for a job (and probably at least 3 years if Pryor comes to OSU)...pay your own way for your first quarter or two


Full ride at Pitt...at least have the chance to compete for a job right away

Athletes with offers from big time D1 programs aren't going to grayshirt...
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why would this kid even think about a grey shirt. He throws better than anyone they have right now. The more I see him the more I believe. He's got a cannon, poise, and is incredibly accurate. IF, tOSU Buckeyes offered him, and it doesn't seem like they even know he exists, (sort of like another Dublin Coffman QB, eh?) grey shirt won't be something this kid will want to do. He is getting too hot right now. Our grey shirt, is the SEC or the Big East 3 yr. starter.
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Never said he would.....my comment was more tongue-in-cheek than anything.

Just sucks that such a talent is right under our noses, and he won't get a sniff. I know I know...."TP is amazing"...."you can't get them all"...but this kid has pedigree and is home grown.

Good luck to him, where ever he ends up!!
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IMO, TP is a heck of an athlete. Very, very, very, untested as a QB at even a top high school level. Sure everyone wants him, but..... whether or not he is a QB will be decided AFTER someone lands him. I just don't think he will end up here. No matter how I try to rationalize the whole thing, it just doesn't seem like a match between he and Tress. By the end of the recruiting season Stoudt will be a top 15 QB. rivals.com, who had never heard of him before 3 weeks ago, just put him in their top 30. That's unheard of for a kid with no Jr. season resume. With the O-line, (including his teammate, Mike Adams), and the WRs (including his top WR, Jake Stoneburner) what are we waiting for. TP is going to hold several schools hostage before he makes a decision. Why does it concern me that a 17 or 18 yr old kid be manipulating this entire process? Do we want to get left holding the bag?

Think about this. In his 9th start, Stoudt has 200 more yards than Quinn's best year, which included 13 games. He need's 1 TD pass to tie Quinn's best yr, also 13 games. Quinn was about a 55% passer, Stoudt is hitting 69.5%. Bottom line, the kid can play, and will, right away whereever he goes.

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I don't think it's fair to say that TP is holding several schools hostage. He can go to any university he wants, it would be foolish for him not to take his time with the decision.
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wadc45;966489; said:
Grayshirt at OSU and wait for at least 2 years to compete for a job (and probably at least 3 years if Pryor comes to OSU)...pay your own way for your first quarter or two


Full ride at Pitt...at least have the chance to compete for a job right away

Athletes with offers from big time D1 programs aren't going to grayshirt...

So what big time offers does he have? :p
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Holding them "hostage" is the best I could come up with. He had offers from about 80 schools. 70 of the mistakenly thought they had a chance, but God bless them for having the nads to dive in. He now says he's down to 3 or 4. Those teams may not be being held "hostage" but they are in a tough spot that only TP controls. If they suggest interest in another player, they eliminate themselves from the TP derby. He controls the situation, so if you don't want to use such a harsh word, let's say, they're future is at his mercy. 3 or 4 schools are waiting to hear the decision, and dozens of QBs are waiting to see what opportunities "open up" once TP makes his decision. It's going to be a mad dash to the finish for those who are trying to land him, and a mad dash to the finish to get your next choice if you lose. There will be some nervous stomachs out there on both sides. Hope they all have a good supply of TP on hand. I wonder if all of the schools will wait for him to make a decision in the spring or move on to their #2 and not get left holding a big bag of TP.
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passthebuck;967810; said:
Holding them "hostage" is the best I could come up with. He had offers from about 80 schools. 70 of the mistakenly thought they had a chance, but God bless them for having the nads to dive in. He now says he's down to 3 or 4. Those teams may not be being held "hostage" but they are in a tough spot that only TP controls. If they suggest interest in another player, they eliminate themselves from the TP derby. He controls the situation, so if you don't want to use such a harsh word, let's say, they're future is at his mercy. 3 or 4 schools are waiting to hear the decision, and dozens of QBs are waiting to see what opportunities "open up" once TP makes his decision. It's going to be a mad dash to the finish for those who are trying to land him, and a mad dash to the finish to get your next choice if you lose. There will be some nervous stomachs out there on both sides. Hope they all have a good supply of TP on hand. I wonder if all of the schools will wait for him to make a decision in the spring or move on to their #2 and not get left holding a big bag of TP.

I think the writing is on the wall with Pryor. And if for some reason that writing turns out to be wrong, then further options could be examined. A qb really isn't a priority for 08, we could wait to 09. OSU has definetly had a history of grabbing under the radar prospects in December and January.
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passthebuck;967810; said:
Holding them "hostage" is the best I could come up with. He had offers from about 80 schools. 70 of the mistakenly thought they had a chance, but God bless them for having the nads to dive in. He now says he's down to 3 or 4. Those teams may not be being held "hostage" but they are in a tough spot that only TP controls. If they suggest interest in another player, they eliminate themselves from the TP derby. He controls the situation, so if you don't want to use such a harsh word, let's say, they're future is at his mercy. 3 or 4 schools are waiting to hear the decision, and dozens of QBs are waiting to see what opportunities "open up" once TP makes his decision. It's going to be a mad dash to the finish for those who are trying to land him, and a mad dash to the finish to get your next choice if you lose. There will be some nervous stomachs out there on both sides. Hope they all have a good supply of TP on hand. I wonder if all of the schools will wait for him to make a decision in the spring or move on to their #2 and not get left holding a big bag of TP.

It is fairly well known that Terrelle was/is looking at OSU, WVU and UF primarily...


It appears that other teams are starting to resign themselves to the fact that OSU is Terrelle's likely destination. If I am not mistaken UF took 2 QBs last year (Brantley and Newton) and also took in a JC transfer (Waggener). WVU offered Star Jackson before he committed to Alabama and has verbals from JJ Dorsey and Chris Smith (both listed as QBs) as well as an offer out to BJ Daniels.

I'd say the writing is on the wall...

As much as I like Zack, even if Terrelle doesn't come on board (which would be a shock to most at this point, including most opposing staffs) I doubt he gets an offer from OSU...MarQueis Gray would still be an option at that point.
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Quickness;968045; said:
OSU is not interested in Gray. Stoudt could be a Dec/ Jan offer, probably not. But Gray, no. And yes, Cliff Stoudt was named as a runner in the Dispatch. I did not know he had eligibility left.

And OSU is not interested in Stoudt either...it's not even "probably not"...
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Wad, you sure seem to have the inside info on everything. Marquis Gray was at the last Sr. camp.......he spent the 2nd half of the workout running routes. In addition, he broke his arm this season. Like Stoudt and all other QBs, the coaches at tOSU have not tipped their hand on who might be of interest to them. It's a given that Pryor is numero Uno. It is not a given that he has OSU as his top school. Saw an interview from last week where he seemed to go out of his way to say OSU had nothing anyone else didn't have. Said his mind is not made up and only he and his dad know anything. Sorry Wad, but you don't know any more than anyone else. For you to say OSU has no interest in the Coffman QB is absurd. They have been to 2 or 3 games this season to see Stoudt and Gardiner. And both have been to several games. Pryor is the guy they are after. After that, I you might be surprised.
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