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#1 Ohio State 89, #6 North Carolina 98 (Final)

he is an official, part of the crew. should have atleast checked it out, they owe that much

lewis needs to play a little bit of defense.
weve missed five very very makeable shots deep in the lane
foul count 12 to 5, def should favor carolina they are getting the ball down in low, but id say one or two called on the bucks were weak, and one or two more nocalles i would have liked to have seen a call.
i said it before this team isnt gonna make its living pressing or in a zone
20 more mins of ball
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MolGenBuckeye;673632; said:
Is it just me, or is Dick Vitale's schtick more tired than Chris Berman's?
I watched an espn classic game from 15+ years ago, and he was announcing. He was knowledgable, enthusiastic, but didn't do his overboard shouting, moaning, etc.
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