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'09 AZ DT Corey Adams (Arizona State Signee)

Apparently his Grandpa is from Massillon. My mom works in a Drs office and he came and was talking about him because the staff is big OSU fans. Says that Corey was telling him the atmosphere was "just insane".

According to his grandpa he is thinking Corey is between USC and OSU.

I told my mother next time he is in, to tell Corey to come to OSU where you won't get 30 people going for that same starting spot.

That and that USC cheats :)
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ESPN - College Football Recruiting On the Trail 2009

Corey Adams returns for Columbus, Ohio
Under Armour All-American defensive tackle Corey Adams made his official visit to Ohio State this weekend and was in the Horseshoe as the Buckeyes took on Penn State in the big, prime-time showdown on Saturday night, Bucknuts.com's Bill Kurelic reports.

"It was a good game," Adams said. "Obviously it could have turned out better for Ohio State, but it was exciting."
Adams said he was impressed with the Buckeyes' defense and feels like he could fit in quickly if he were to select Ohio State.
When asked what he liked best about his Ohio State official visit, Adams said, "The fans and the facilities. I like how the fans support the team. It's just a good atmosphere. The visit was awesome."

He has made official visits to Ohio State, Arizona State and Nebraska, and said he will visit USC sometime in December before selecting a college. If Adams has a favorite at this point, he is not saying so.
Adams said he will announce his college choice on television on Jan. 4 at halftime of the Under Armour All-American game.
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Saw him walking in from St. John's. He looked electric! The young man has a Very Special Aura! My buddy gave him a shout out and he had the biggest smile imaginable. FWIW he looks like he has a NFL body already.

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Nothing has been mentioned on Corey in a while so I figured I would throw something on here. Corey's D-line coach is Kyle Caldwell (4 year ASU D-lineman).

I also just read on the BP November issue about recruits that it is between tOSU and USC with ASU and Nebraska hanging around? Seriously? Maybe Nebraska is hanging around, but ASU?

I don't want replys to this saying "ASU sucks" or get in a battle between tOSU and ASU. This thread will get split in a heartbeat if we do that. We can talk strictly about Corey's recruiting without getting off topic. Are we allowed to do a pros and cons list of why all 4 schools are still in it?
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Nothing has been mentioned on Corey in a while so I figured I would throw something on here. Corey's D-line coach is Kyle Caldwell (4 year ASU D-lineman).

I also just read on the BP November issue about recruits that it is between tOSU and USC with ASU and Nebraska hanging around? Seriously? Maybe Nebraska is hanging around, but ASU?

I don't want replys to this saying "ASU sucks" or get in a battle between tOSU and ASU. This thread will get split in a heartbeat if we do that. We can talk strictly about Corey's recruiting without getting off topic. Are we allowed to do a pros and cons list for all 4 schools?
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haven't we done that several times over? as I said before the coaching staffs don't need our help to lay out the pros and cons to corey.

corey doesn't like to do a lot of interviews so for the mean time there is not much to talk about...
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reagdog;1318036; said:
Nothing has been mentioned on Corey in a while so I figured I would throw something on here. Corey's D-line coach is Kyle Caldwell (4 year ASU D-lineman).

I also just read on the BP November issue about recruits that it is between tOSU and USC with ASU and Nebraska hanging around? Seriously? Maybe Nebraska is hanging around, but ASU?

I don't want replys to this saying "ASU sucks" or get in a battle between tOSU and ASU. This thread will get split in a heartbeat if we do that. We can talk strictly about Corey's recruiting without getting off topic. Are we allowed to do a pros and cons list of why all 4 schools are still in it?
I don't wish to seem callous, but why on earth would an Arizona State fan visit an Ohio State fansite in hopes of assuaging his fears that his school is "out of luck" in a recruiting battle with Ohio State? This seems counterintuitive to the extreme.
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MaxBuck;1318069; said:
I don't wish to seem callous, but why on earth would an Arizona State fan visit an Ohio State fansite in hopes of assuaging his fears that his school is "out of luck" in a recruiting battle with Ohio State? This seems counterintuitive to the extreme.

That's two words...but I like the effort because "intuitive" is one of my favorites.

As for Adams....this is a "wait and see" just like wad said
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reagdog;1318036; said:
Nothing has been mentioned on Corey in a while so I figured I would throw something on here. Corey's D-line coach is Kyle Caldwell (4 year ASU D-lineman).

I also just read on the BP November issue about recruits that it is between tOSU and USC with ASU and Nebraska hanging around? Seriously? Maybe Nebraska is hanging around, but ASU?

I don't want replys to this saying "ASU sucks" or get in a battle between tOSU and ASU. This thread will get split in a heartbeat if we do that. We can talk strictly about Corey's recruiting without getting off topic. Are we allowed to do a pros and cons list of why all 4 schools are still in it?

The mods on here are more honest than the recruiting sites. They don't have a need to slant things.
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