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'07 IL RB Robert Hughes (Notre Dame signee)

Which is fine because that helps with Ben Martin...

Hughes will be a nice back for them (assuming he commits of course), but I thought they were going for more of a speed back this year (pursued Saine, Tyler, etc.). Hughes is very similar to James Aldridge.

I definetly realize that. I knew Wilson was coming here anyways so it's fine and especially more appealing for Ben Martin. Now that you mention it, I am a bit surprised as well seeing as how they got Aldridge last year. They will probably still try and land Golden Tate though.
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I really think Hughes, Wilson, Brent and most of the big guys in Illinois stay in state this year at Illinois. Unfortunate for us, but Zook and his recruiting tactics at Illinois hurts ND and Scum way worse than it hurts us, since we don't count on Illinois year in and year out like they do.
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