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'07 FL WR Deonte Thompson (Florida signee)


3. And finally, I’m wondering how much damage control UM's coaches will have to do on the recruiting front considering a good portion of their time is spent convincing parents South Florida is not that dangerous, and Miami’s players aren’t gun toting felons. I'm assuming it didn't bother Belle Glades receiver Deonte Thompson, who I believe I spotted on campus yesterday getting shown around by Randy Phillips, who by the way has the build of a safety now.
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USC Sticking On Florida Receivers

By Phil Kornblut
USC is in the lead pack for WR Deonte Thompson (6-1 187) of Belle Glade, FL. Thompson said he's also strongly considering Miami, Florida, Ohio State, Southern Cal, Notre Dame, Georgia, Tennessee, LSU and UCLA. He visited Florida State, Florida, Miami and Tennessee this summer. He plans to take all his official visits but is not sure where at this point. Last season Thompson had 35 catches for 810 yards and 12 touchdowns. USC is also interested in Thompson's teammate WR Tarus McKinley (5-11 180). He claims offers from the Gamecocks, Miami, LSU, Georgia, Florida and Louisville and plans a decision around mid season.
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A lot of kids seem to cme on official and leave with us either at the top or tied for the lead. Hopefully Deonte enjoys his time up here and wants to don the Scarlet and Grey. We already have tons of youth and skill at the WR position, and Deonte would be an extremely welcomed addition.
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Scout $


Update on Miami's Scout site. Deonte talks about Saturday's game between Glades Central and Byrnes. He says in no order his top seven are Miami, Florida, Notre Dame, USC, Ohio State, Tennesssee, and South Carolina. He'll be attending the UM-FSU game on Labor Day.

Edit: I can't count!
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