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'06 OH K Bryan Wright (Michigan signee)



Rivals Profile
Scout Profile


Salem (OH)
Salem High School

Height: 6-foot-1
Weight: 200 pounds
40-yard dash: 4.55 seconds
GPA: 3.4

2004 All-Ohio 1st team kicker (link)

Bryan Wright is a senior kicker Salem High. Last night (9-16) he set the school record with a 47 yard field goal from the left hash. I wish I had a video of it to share, because he had an EASY 10 more yards on the kick. He consistantly puts the ball out of the endzone on kickoffs. Salem was (as of Sept. 16) ranked #9 in the state (DIII). They lost to Holy Name (#6 DIII) last night, so they will probably drop a few spots.
Link to the local newspaper's write-up for friday's game http://www.salemnews.net/sports/story/0917202005_spt00salem.asp

I know that it is not often that kickers are offered scholarships to start with. But I thought it would be good to post this.

Wright did attend the OSU kicking camp. He finished second with a kick in the mid 40's. His interests are listed as Cincinnati, Miami-FL, Ohio State, and Bowling Green.
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Well, it's been a few weeks, and I still don't have technical recruiting info, but last night Bryan hit a 52 yard FG. I wasn't there for this one, but two people that I know who did see it said that it was nearly dead center and plenty high and long when it went through.

Local newspaper write up. link
The highlight of the game for Salem was Bryan Wright's 52-yard field goal in the first quarter, which set a new school record. The kick made the score 7-3, and after that it was all Canfield.
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local buzz around him is big, he sounds like a real stud, i might have to go to the Salem vs Poland game this week to check him out. and since i graduated from Salem, its cool to see another player coming from there.
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Wright added 37 yarder this past friday, i know thats not a "long" kick, but it was good by a LONG way (ball was still very high when it crossed the bar). He has a very strong leg and really could be a great kicker.

Here's to hoping that he's a buckeye!
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BN $


Bryan is 7/10 on FGs for the season and has kicked 80% of his kickoffs into the endzone. He has always been a Buckeye fan and a Cincinnati fan (his father played for the Bearcats). He does not hold any offers yet.
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I have seen Brian play and he is very impressive. Has enough leg to kick a 60+ yard FG. I know that some of his KO's that didn't make the endzone were intentional. He kicked them high and deep and let the coverage tackle the returners short of the 20.
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Bryan is 7/10 on FGs for the season
I witnessed two of those misses. (I know excuses don't make anything better, but here's what happened from my view.) The first was on a rainy night and was a just few yards short (but dead center) from 55ish. And the second one was a bad play, it was tipped at the line and still made it pretty far.
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From Salem News

Columbus Calling? Bryan Wright's record-breaking right leg is making him known all across the state of Ohio. Kicking a 57-yard field goal (the second longest in the state's history of high school football) will do that for you.

One place that Wright's name is being mentioned is in the state capital of Columbus. You know, home of the Blue Jackets, the Crew and, oh yeah, the Buckeyes. Phillips confirmed that Ohio State has shown an interest in Wright. They recently called and asked for a tape of him, which sent to the Buckeyes. Along with OSU, Phillips said Wright has an interest in Cincinnati where his father, Bob, played.
In Week Eight, Wright set the school record with a 57-yard field goal. The record entering the year was set by Lantz Bricker in 1998 with a 45-yard kick. Wright also has kicks of 47, 48 and 52 yards that top Bricker's old record.
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I know this is the recruiting forum and we aren't supposed to bash players......but I don't like this kid and I hope he doesn't get a schollie. I mean.....his name doesn't even come close to rhyming with NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE. What are we going to scream after he hits a 53 yard game winner?

I guess I wouldn't mind too bad if we got him and gave him a nickname like Bruce or Juice.

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(WYTV ch#33 ABC) Student Athlete of the Week: Bryan Wright

Bryan is the top kicker in the Valley, helping Salem win the battle of field position.
Wright has connected on 13 of his 17 field goals in two seasons, breaking his own school record for longest boot three times, which now stands at 57 yards.
Wright sends 85% of his kickoffs into the endzone and he averages 39 yards per punt. He was named All State as a junior and is getting college looks from schools like Ohio State, Penn State, Michigan, and LSU.

Bryan also plays baseball. He carries a 3.55 GPA with straight A's so far in his senior year.

There is a video interview available there. (I tried to attach it here, but I'm getting some errors while trying to attach it. PM me if you can't get the video from that link and I'll get it to you.)
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