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Search results

  1. Austin...LAST MINUTE DEALS!

    I found a hotel room at the Red Roof inn for $50 a night. Rock on!!
  2. Who is going to Austin for the game?

    So where would be the best place to watch the game for those of us that do not have tickets? I imagine there has to be a lot of places with a ton of TVs. We also need to represent for College GameDay. My friends and I made it on TV last year for this game and had so many people calling us...
  3. LB John Kerr (official thread)

    John is pretty damn quick. I use to work out with John and Josh in Strongsville when John was home. Josh was still in HS and deciding between Miami and OSU. I guess he chose Miami but got denied admission and ended up at OSU. John helped me a lot with running technique and drills when I was...
  4. Who is going to Austin for the game?

    I found the Red Roof Inn and that is probably my place. Car rental will probably not happen b/c I will not be able to drive. :D Side note, I did get a ton of leads on tailgating and found other places to stay if need be. Thanks for all the help. As this thing gets closer, we should all...
  5. Who is going to Austin for the game?

    Definitely the game plan. Just talked to a girl I know in Dallas and she might be rounding up her troops and coming down. She works in a strip club. :D This weekend is going to be crazy!!
  6. Who is going to Austin for the game?

    Shit, no one is fitting with me on a couch unless it is a 100 pound chica. HundredLane, where did you find the Red Roof Inn? Do you have the phone # because checking online they are not showing one in Austin. Thanks. My worse case scenario is that I will rent a car and just sleep in it...
  7. Who is going to Austin for the game?

    In my infinite wisdom, I bought my flight (with the price of the game tickets, I will only be attending the game if my buddy comes through with his hookup) and never got a hotel which are currently sold out. I have a friend who's parents live there but outside the city a little bit but would...