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Where's YOUR Gold Pants?
Looking for people who haven't yet made reservations and/or looking to share a room b/c I'm about to book my LAST MINUTE deal from ATL. If you're already going but don't have a room and want to pony up and share hit me up! Also anyone from other parts of the Great State of Ohio or ANY BUCKEYES that could find this useful.

Includes flight,hotel and taxes.

Departing Thu, Sep 7
Returning Mon, Sep 11 ($489 per person)
Returning Tue, Sep 12 ($526 per person)

Departing Fri, Sep 8
Returning Tue, Sep 12 ($472 per person)

Departing Sat, Sep 9
Returning Mon, Sep 11 ($349 per person)
Returning Tue, Sep 12 ($372 per person)


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