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Search results

  1. Jack Bauer

    Best Username

    Unfortunately I don't get as much time to peruse forums as I'd like to. I like Edgar Styles username.
  2. Jack Bauer

    "24" The Show

  3. Jack Bauer

    "24" The Show

    You don't trust Bill or Curtis? I should leave you dead where you're standing.
  4. Jack Bauer

    Who is your Favorite 24 Character?

    Mine is Kim Bauer, as many of you would probably guess.
  5. Jack Bauer

    "24" The Show

    You're a wise man bucknuts44820.
  6. Jack Bauer

    "24" The Show

    That was the longest day of my life.
  7. Jack Bauer

    "24" The Show

    And he is unsuccessful at every attempt.
  8. Jack Bauer

    "24" The Show

    I'm glad you enjoy my work.
  9. Jack Bauer

    Need a Dell?

    We don't use Dells at CTU.