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Search results

  1. eBay Tickets

    FWIW, as of 3/1 there's an auction for 2 tix in Section 16B, Row 71; I assure you, there's no row 71 in that section, the rows probably don't go any higher than 45-50 in the end zone...
  2. Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

    Calibuck - You guys don't need to worry about getting too much shit here, there's drunken student assholes everywhere, but down here we keep our young 'uns in check for the most part...BTW, most people think Pearl tastes like piss...
  3. Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

    I'd fully expect both QBs to play in the game unless one of them clearly establishes himself as the man in spring practice, which (given the experience level) I don't expect to happen. This is a lot different to me than Applewhite/Simms, where we rotated a guy with two years' starting...
  4. Official Texas Visiting Thread

    Very true... As far as places to stay, for the dollar/location you can't beat the LaQuinta on 11th street someone posted earlier. There's a Marriott a couple of blocks over from there, but outside of that if you walk from your hotel/motel to the stadium, you're going to be sweating your ass...
  5. Can You Believe This?? a firecoachtressel site

    This may have already been mentioned (I didn't want to scroll through 11 pages of posts), but this domain name is owned by a guy who has a bunch of these; he just buys them, cyber-squats, and waits for the inevitable day when enough people want the guy's head to buy the name from him. Here's a...
  6. Fan Behavior and KH's Apology (Merged all)

    You're right, it is over now...how about we meet up in Pasadena and do this shit again?:osu:
  7. Fan Behavior and KH's Apology (Merged all)

    Well, if you're going to be a good sport about it, then FUCK YOU, YOU OHIO STATE FAGGOT!!!!!!:) (From the comfort of my PC at home, kind of like being 150 lbs. dripping wet and having 20 similar buddies behind you)... The bottom line is, there are rednecks everywhere, whether you call them...
  8. Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

    My point of view, as a Texas fan: 1. The stadium and atmosphere around it are second to none; f-ing awesome. 2. I can't honestly say who your starting QB should be, the rotation actually proved pretty effective on Saturday overall. However, from reading a lot of these posts, you guys really...