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Search results

  1. Is Scheduling a Big Out of Conference Game Worth It?

    Auburn started last season ranked 17th and 18th. If they had a marquee game really early in the season (even a conference one like Miami-FSU), they might have climbed faster in the polls. Look at what playing highly ranked and overrated teams did for ND this year. It's definitely worth the risk...
  2. Al Gore invented... merged threads!

    Al Gore invented "no goal."
  3. OSU BCS Top 10

    I bet NDC loves the Predictor rankings.
  4. Game thread: USC 34, Notre Dame 31 (Final)

    After (as) time hit (was counting down to) 0:00? I could imagine that most of the conversation between Weis/Carrol the elder and the refs were about the time situation (not a penalty in that case) after the fumble. No guarantees. I'm near certain that an assistant coach inside the 15 yelling and...
  5. Game thread: USC 34, Notre Dame 31 (Final)

    Nope. Correct, but a coach (even on a 1.5 NC team) can't leave the team area. It's a 15-yarder. I'm not sure that trying to call a TO with none left counts as relaying time information.
  6. Game thread: USC 34, Notre Dame 31 (Final)

    The game's ended, and it was a classic, no doubt. Ultimately USC got the W because ND didn't stop them. But if you were Pac10 official, would you rush to put the same crew out there again (complaints of a late hit by Zibby, blocks in the back on Zibby's return, the Samardzija sideline catch...
  7. Game thread: USC 34, Notre Dame 31 (Final)

    Leinart joked with the gameday crew about Reggie telling him "you're welcome for the TD." I'll go out on a limb and guess he's not refering to the playcall. Whatever, none of it would matter if Zbikowski could just once keep a play in front of himself. Or if Quinn could have hit Schwapp. Or if...
  8. Game thread: USC 34, Notre Dame 31 (Final)

    Should the refs be celebrated for fouling up the situation and losing control of the game? Whether or not they made the right call (I'm inclined to say they did not, but the real guarantor of that screw-up was Pete Carrol for axing replay), they bungled the situation. Did you see the one side...
  9. Game thread: USC 34, Notre Dame 31 (Final)

    That's on page 65 of the NCAA rulebook. ND won the game twice, then, right? When time ran out the first time, and then when Leinart took forever to snap the ball? :sob:
  10. vBook: OSU vs PSU

    A team with +2.5 points can lose the game by 2, but win the bet. The favorite has to win by 3 or more. ex. tOSU-34 PSU 30 tOSU bets pay off tOSU-29 PSU 27 PSU bets pay off any PSU win, PSU bets pay off
  11. D1A mascots

    Naw, the ACC doesn't need 2 mythological creatures, and could probably have 5 humans and no mythological creatures. The Blue Devils are named after a French military unit. I think my Deacs are humans, because they get abreviated as Deacs or Deacons, not as the WFU Demons...
  12. Fess up, who REALLY cost us the game?

    I did everything wrong that could be done wrong (without even trying!). Drove to my friend's house the wrong way. Wore neither tOSU PJs or dark blue jeans (alamo bowl and TSUN attire last year, respectively). Wore the shirt that helped Matt Sylvester sink that trey (since washed), but it was...